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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectRE: An attempt to answer
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=88946&mesg_id=89018
89018, RE: An attempt to answer
Posted by Ahtieli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>So what I'm getting from your post, to boil it down, is that
>I annoyed you in two big ways - summoning your zombies and
>attacking the Vanquisher.

>You say you didn't like it because I "didn't do anything to
>USE the advantage" and I can see where you'd think that. It's
>not correct, but I can see it.

If you are killing zombies and then never come to fight and then just quit, I don't see how you use the advantage. May be you can explain me that?

You sure not the first who did so, but you first who a lot more often did not use advantage than anyone else.

>Anytime I killed two or three of your zombies, I went looking
>for you. Sometimes I found you, sometimes not.

1. Sometimes that was so. But quite often you did not. For me that "quite often" outwieghted "sometimes you came to fight".

2. I'm unsure how it was problem for you to find me, if you could just attack Vanquisher.

3. As I said 3-4 times already. I don't mind at all of situations where you went to fight me after killing zombies. But that was way too often when you "failed to find me".

4. Keep in mind you only killed zombies because I did not mind that much(did not want to bother with hiding them). But it sure limited things I could do in game(not pkilling or raiding) which made me spend time for nothing at all.

>I've never avoided fighting you.
Did I ever say you avoid fighting me?

>I avoided fighting
>you+bigUnholyGzurweeg (the login you refer to, I think). I
>think if you look at the sum total of my logins, it's fairly
>rare that I logged out w/o the Orb. I don't know if this
>particular instance that you vividly remember had a good
>reason on my end - there were several times when I had to drop
>link/quit due to a crying 4 year old - this may not have been
>one of those times, I don't know. I can tell you it sure
>wasn't because I was afraid of dying to you.

WTF is it all about? I did not say you avoided me, I don't think you avoided me, I don't care if you avoided me. But when we fought you were conservative.

>As for my tactics, yeah, if they annoyed you, good. That was
>the intent. Not ooc annoyance, mind you, but IC? Hell yes.

Okey, tell me with all honest did you enjoy wasting your time being rotted? I doubt, may be it did not piss you off as much as me, but I don't have much free time wasting it for nothing at all. :P

>Each time a zombie that I summoned died, it decreased the
>chances of an Imperial raid. Each time I left the Vanquisher
>convulsing, it decreased the chances of an Imperial raid.

I've said that non of these things actualy affected my want to raid you, I even explained in short why... You are saying - no, it affected it. Do you belive you know it better what affects MY desigion?

>The bottom line is, neither I, nor anyone else on CF, plays
>our character for YOUR enjoyment.

Then next time I piss off anyone of "you" in CF, don't come here or qhcf to blame me for that? Calling me or Dwoggurd as someone who made "douche move of year"? We ####ing don't play for YOUR enjoyment too.

>This is why I do not post on
>a bunch of people's death threads about how I wish they'd do
>this or wouldn't do that.
Only thing I've could said to people that I wish them follow their role, cf rules, cabal role. Did I ever say I want them do something else?

In your example I just gave my feeling on what you've done but you have ALL rights to do what you want.

>In the end, you'll have your opinion, I'll have mine, and
>neither of us will budge.

>Side note, how is it that you manage to degenerate nearly
>everyone's death thread recently into a flame war about YOUR
>playstyle? Are you trying to do so? Or is it just a hidden
>talent/side effect?
1. Mind give me links on all these "nearly everyone's"?

2. Tell me, why in all these threads after any single post about anything, same bitches bring in my personality in discussion? That's because they love me :P

3. I will tell you secret, each time after some bitch feast with US morons, I get a new wave of haters who tries to fight me :P