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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectRE: Please bother yourself with actualy reading my post
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=88946&mesg_id=88994
88994, RE: Please bother yourself with actualy reading my post
Posted by Ahtieli2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>The difference is in the payout. When Ahtieli does something
>slightly risky and fights a group then there's a reasonable
>chance someone in that group dies.

Not always. I can not offer you exact statistic but quite often(compared to whole number of solo fighting with group) I have to fight with group I cann't do anything at all (due lack of certain phylacteries or zombies or damage/tank/healing abilities of group), except lucky pwk, which I suggest to remove from any discussion of fights with lich or people in that group make terrible mistakes.

Actualy there are nearly only two vital things you may expect from lich:

1. Damage output from undeads
This one can be very vital for quite a bit part of enemies, but it's not easy to make them redirect and enemies usualy have good chances to take me away of zombies at all or making best group tank to tank zombies. Of course it's if people have an idea how to pk and don't give me advantages like summoning someone away of group into locked room or centurion's trap.

if they don't know how to pk but fight me I will likely kill them regardless.

2. Lich's spells.
Can be vital too but in most cases it takes quite long to spell up you enough for you to die. And almost always you can get away in time if you have an idea how to pk. + You can have someone to heal you up in your group... or other ways to get healing.

Sure there are some extrem examples where I land everything from first try or don't land anything during whole fight.

All in all your point is not really true. I mean sometimes it can be true but quite often it's not. But as I said I can not give you exact numbers.

>If my character takes a slight risk and fights Ahtieli, being
>ready to quaff away if I get blinded, there is basically zero
>chance I'm going to kill you.

If you are solo fighting lich your chances of killing him ~0. Unless lich does some terrible mistakes or get very unlucky. But hey I do mistakes and I died to solo PALADIN :P. The more you are tryin to more chances you get. Though it can result in me getting phylactery so you should not solo fight lich when you have high chances to die.

If people actualy tried I would have died at least 4 more times when I've lost link being in same area with enemy or enemies group.

For example it was funny when I lost link while being unprepped in black sect while I was raided by Humbert, trans and healer. And they did not go in to kill me just because they thought it's a trap or something(I know for sure that they did not know about me losing link).

>So I might take a slight risk if I'm Ahtieli because there
>might be a payout.

Thing is that then I think if I want to fight group at currient moment I calculate few things:
1. My chances of dying.
2. My chances of killing anyone or getting any result(examples: reraiding, making enemies run without raiding me)

2 somewhat more important than 1. Given what I've read you share this thing with me.

It's questionable if in long run taking risks will actualy bring lich pay out but that depends on play style and pk situation. For example, if I see somewhat good/strong group of enemies and I want or have to fight with, I will have to spend my phylacteries to improve my chances to survive or/and get kill. Usualy it means I spend more than get.

>I'm less likely to take a slight risk by
>fighting Ahtieli solo because there's not likely to be any

I'm totaly don't mind if you don't want to fight me solo. But I think it's not really good(but not bad, mind you) if you don't defend your cabal/reraid when you chances of dying are very low. But thing is that I calculate your risks better than you, because I know my abilities/preps/phylacteries and so on while you don't(I always take it into account when I think if you are just conservative #### or just overstimate my abilities to kill you. Both things quite different to me).

Example: It's dangerouse for thief to steal me up, because I can have phylactery to see hidden. But hey man, I know that I don't have it. Will I fault thief for not coming to me? Of course I won't, because he does not know if I have phylactery or no.

>Actually, I would view negatively someone who takes risks and
>fights Ahtieli solo, with no chance of killing Ahtieli, and
>then dies because he took that risk.
>All that guy did is feed Ahtieli a phylactery.

I've said it quite a bit of times. I don't applaud much to anyone who brainless comes to me with high chances to dying and with 0 chances to archive anything(reraid/raid or kill me or other imperial with me or because he can not throw away his role/cabal rp). But if someone knows about his risks, his chances but don't afraid to die for his ideals(role/cabal rp) it's cool. Unless he just keeps coming and coming again. Quite enough if this char shows me that 1 per char life.