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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectMy take on your char
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=88946&mesg_id=88981
88981, My take on your char
Posted by Ahtieli2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think you've heard something of my take on that char of yours from somebody we both know. I'm not sure what exactly you heard so I will write it again.. It would be nice to discuss it private but I doubt you want it.

I got a feeling that you were cool allie and acted nice with most of your enemies. Sometimes you were good person to speak with, I've liked some of your comments before, after and during our fights.

Not bad but worth mentioning:
ALERT ----- this did NOT affect my take on your char.

This char was ULTRA conservative during our meetings. While I don't see anything wrong or bad in it, I'm gonna laugh each time you will say I don't take risks. Because I've seen char who sure played way MORE conservative than I, while I have more to lose.

Hell, I remember fighting with 4 of your chars(Hunsobo, Dupm, fort invoker and Woldrun). All of them were conservative when they fought with me except Woldrun, who was totaly different. But with Dump you beated my idea of how conservative it's possible to be.

From what I've heard at the end(last 2-3 weeks) you've stopped of being so conservative and actualy started dying, but I suppose it had something to do with fact that char was going to age die or you were going to end this char.

Bad(to me you were gay ass, honestly.. while all these make sense IC it's total gay OOC):

1. I was totaly pissed off with your sitting in safe place summoning my zombies and killing them. To me it's nowhere better than saccing items of fallen enemy in order make him spend time gathering items back.

Get me right, I totaly don't mind if you do so to get advantage and then ACTUALY USE this advantage(raiding/reraiding/hunting me/stopping me from raiding which actualy has nothing to do with my zombies because raiding watcher = losing all zombies).

I don't mind if you come fight me and kill zombies while we fight or if you made me run and killed zombies while I'm licking my wounds.

But when you don't do a ####ing #### with that advantage you just make me spend my time gathering them again or not being able to use them for something like exploring and such.

On the top was your login without orb, sitting and summoning zombies for about 1 rl hour(if not more) and then just quiting.

2. Same goes to your awesome attacks of Vanquisher(while you are not raided) and then running away before anyone came. Repeat x times.

You may say you hurted him in order to make your reraids easy if we raid you. But you actualy NEVER used that advantage. It NEVER maid your reraid easy. So you just ####ing spend time of all imperial players for no real reason.

For me it would be better if you were telling me in char some ooc #### or posted that #### on forums than making me spend time without ANYONE benefit from that.