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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectRE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Azemaerlor La'graen the Emerald Rapture, Verdant Bolt of the Summer Storm
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=88805&mesg_id=88818
88818, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Azemaerlor La'graen the Emerald Rapture, Verdant Bolt of the Summer Storm
Posted by Azemaerlor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes, yes, I know. Fastest washout ever. But if I'm anything I try to be honest with myself, and I could tell as I started taking a serious look at what lay before me, did some outlining, and considered the winter ahead that I wasn't going to enjoy it, and my 40 hour a week work already sucks enough to compound my misery with more WORK. I didn't want to be one of the ones who just fades away when the urge to log in flees.

Were I to do it all over again, I'd have an area idea fleshed out and mostly written up before I heroimm'd, to minimize the amount of time spent sitting around not really doing anything. I love the Immortals, who work incredibly hard and sacrifice a great deal for the game that I love to play, but at the moment I'd rather just be playing the game. It's the interactions I love.

Now, onto Mortal affairs.

I rolled Azem as a challenge for myself, to play a TRUE good-aligned Villager. I never once killed a good-aligned character, and that allowed for some very interesting RP, especially given that I worshiped Padwei, who used to BE a wizard. I had also never played anything with STSF, and took Soul to give me more time for STSF to work. It was fine, sometimes it won me fights, more often it didn't come into play at all. In the end it got boring. I was survivable, but had trouble sealing killings.

Village, lots of good interactions. I'm horrible with remembering people's names, but Fulgrum and Macaca were steadfast and reliable friends for Azem, love Malakhi, but seldom saw him around due to playing times not coinciding.

Thror, thanks for the bit of interaction-- I wanted to do more with sapper training but I had already set my feet firmly on the path of floof, which made it hard to be a traditional villager.

Pad: Love the religion and the RP. (Magic is like a sunshine. FTW)

Thanks again to all the immortals who took the time to consider me for Immdom, and I'm sorry I disappointed you all by deleting so quickly, but I think I can do more for CF by being a positive mortal presence than by joining the ranks of the Gods.

See you all in the fields after a bit of a break!
