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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectYour math is faulty, but...
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=82405&mesg_id=82542
82542, Your math is faulty, but...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was waiting for someone to complain about the imm rewards.

Let me first address your faulty math - Woldrun was a cabal leader for probably 3/4 of his life, and I'd say 80% or more of his deaths were during that time. So those 139 deaths were mostly at the 5-deaths-per-con level. So more like 30 points of con.

IIRC he gained 6 con. There's a history entry from Thror about Woldrun being awarded some con for the Thror return quest, but before he could reward it I specifically told Yean (who told Thror) as Woldrun that I did not want any reward - that I had been given plenty of gifts from the Gods, and I wanted my men to be rewarded, not me. I told this to Thror IC too - Susubienko was in the room with me when I did.

I think Woldrun got too much imm-loving early in his life, to be honest. He was given a third legacy for winning a warrior-brawl-thing that was organized by Grawshen and sponsored by Iunna. There was an *extremely* poor showing for the event - at least 3 ragers that had told me they'd be there weren't, and I know of 2 or three non-ragers that should've been there. In the end there were only four of us, Woldrun won pretty much hands down, and there you have it. Third legacy that was (at the time) debateably undeserved. I like to think Iunna would have given the same-value-prize to whoever won, regardless. But that's something she can answer.

The polearm spec was for a role contest, and, as I said before, I personally wouldn't have chosen Woldrun's role. I am fairly certain Marcatis (who gave me the spec) did not know I played Woldrun at the time. It was nice in a few situations. I don't think it made the char all that much more powerful - it netted me a few kills that I wouldn't have gotten, via cutoff, but it also got me killed a few times where if I'd have used swords/hth instead of relying on chargeset or cutoff I'd have probably escaped. I can't say that this was an undeserved deal - Woldrun was judged a RC winner as opposed to runner up, and those types of things often net a quest form, third legacy, or something comparable. I'm not sure if a fourth legacy would have been more OP - I think so, but it's open for debate I guess - but my guess is that Marcatis figured so. Also, since my role mentioned Borkahd a lot, polearm was a neat choice.

Set Fracture was very nice. Maybe too nice for rager berserker sword spec, since it allowed me to really never fear assassins again other than assassination. But really, before set fracture, it was like wrist broken, retreat, wait for it to heal. It saved time, drove off a foe once, but never netted me a kill. It also almost killed me more than once, since you take damage when you set your own fracture, and decalcification and soften naturally make it worse. That would've been embarrassing. Anyway.

The edges I can't let you bitch about too much. I got almost all of those myself via a massive amount of exploration and observation and RP with lots of imms which involved repeated visits to shrines - still didn't get to talk to all the ones I wanted to. Some of those visits netted me nothing but a line in a role entry, others netted me a neat edge or something else...but each was appreciated a lot.

In the end, I think Woldrun did earn everything he got - just perhaps not at the times he got them. The Thror quest was a month-and-a-half long deal that, had I been running it, would have probably ended up with a third legacy for the spearhead character, and some nice bennies for the others. I believe Thror gave bennies to the others, and I already commented about trying to make sure Woldrun didn't get a lot out of it.

In the end, I'm fairly certain most of the imms who did dole out rewards to me did not know it was me - at least not when they gave the awards out. I know Thror didn't know it was me. I don't think Yean did (haven't spoken to her about it yet). I know Iunna did know it was me, but whether it was pre-tournament or post, I do not know.

Lastly, I'd like to you analyze your second paragraph, specifically the second sentence. You never interacted with me, but you read "his logs". I've posted 4. All of them involving PK. You've read logs that other people posted of me. You've no idea about anything Woldrun did, really, but you're angered by the amount of imm-love he got. That's a reasonable feeling, I think, especially if you feel neglected in that area. But I think it's also reasonable to say that if you didn't interact with him, saying it was fair or unfair is something you really can't be the judge of.