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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectno more napkins for lisa nor john
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=8187&mesg_id=8188
8188, no more napkins for lisa nor john
Posted by Adrigon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
ah, this was no rage delete. it was an utter boredom delete. shifter is the most boring class in the game (according to me). even warlock conjurers are more entertaining, believe it or not.

I'll just slide into the rant;

the tiger sucks, it pounces very seldom and it's normal combat abilities are basically null.

the rattlesnake rocks for fighting mobs, in pk however it sucks as people tend to bonecrush/hamstring/whirl or whatever that'll mess up shifting - if your plan is to shift into it, run away and heal up, and shift back to offensive form.

NEXUS: *BORING* oh yes. the only thing you fight is ragers, whom of some reason are either 20 or 0 in your pkrange. usually. so what do you do when they all delete? nothing. nothing. THEY NEED ANOTHER ENEMY. i'm sure it can be worked into the pillars, one way or another. the sporadic enemies dictated by the wyrm are just that, sporadic. and since you don't play at the times he play he doesn't know how things look when you play.

and the bond :D AHOEHOEA. oh my goodness. and there was some guy over at qhcf saying that it was THE BEST CABAL POWER. AEHOAEHOEAHOEAHO. someone needs to get his facts straight.

There are the drawbacks that so few people tend to think of.

1. your partner is a newbie, for instance in the raid when you're at 7% hp and getting cranialed you finally manage to flee out and he immediately runs back into combat killing you instantly. And he'll do a dozen other things that will screw you up, rest assured - he can think of many things you cannot.

2. you don't participate in other groups

3. you DONT participate In OTHER GROUPS <--

4. bonding with assassins suck.

5. compared to warriors, bonding with thieves suck.

6. no warrior know they can retreat both you and themselves out of combat.

6b. and if they do, they haven't practised it and are out of prac sessions.

7. splitting bonded people is easy, you occasionally have to flee out to redirect and so forth.

8. bonding with arial warriors suck.

9. you fight ragers, your powers are a fragment of theirs. To equal their powers you need to spend 2 hours daily to find preps while they "call resist"

10. nexus warriors don't prep.

11. bonding with rangers rock. till you leave the forest to raid/retrive/defend. unfortunately, it's in those situations you -need- cabal power to help you.

12. skilled people join battle, newbies join nexus.

13. I suck at pk.

14. some dumb f- keeps saying not everything is explored about the bond, WELL IF IT HASN'T BEEN DISCOVERED YET I DONT THINK WE EVER WILL.

15. and now they say priests will now actually do something with the bonds. I have an odd feeling that won't be receive high priority amongst the coders however.

so I had a barrier wand for a while, hell, I even had krivohans for a while and I went to fight shamus. did any of you read that log? I'm fully prepped, against him. I have to flee when he's like not hurt. later however we gang him AND MY GOD DID THAT FEEL GOOD.

I know, my logs are like smooth jazz a late night, comming out of a window in a back alley of venice.

I enjoy rambling.

god damnit nexus is boring, and so are shifters.

the jazz is not fluid. the trumpet's gone.