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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectRE: Which chicken were you?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=768&mesg_id=813
813, RE: Which chicken were you?
Posted by Delanan (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Remind me how many times you killed me when we fought. Oh, wait, in about five fights you never got me below 95% hp and I killed you repeatedly, sorry. However, if you stop by the courtesy desk on the way out, you may still get your complimentary "I Have Been Pimped" gift basket.
Which is still tangential to the fact that you can't PWK a Lich, as should be completely obvious with only a tiny bit of thought, but I wouldn't want to presume. Damn, it'd have been funny to see you try, though. What ever will the Children of Desanguina do!?

P.S.: A quick search for your name turned up a couple logs of me killing you, but this was funnier.

You tell Vonaxim 'Have you ever actually fought somebody without Wolsiave?'
Vonaxim tells you 'Hehe yeah as matter of fact, why ye ask?'
You tell Vonaxim 'Aren't Dreadlords supposed to inspire dread?'
Pelnebreus tells the group 'I'm gonna go on a quick patrol to find the drows, duergars and necromancers.'
You tell your group 'I'm just heckling Vonaxim.'
Vonaxim tells you 'I had no pets with me at the time, I fear you not.'