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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectYeah sure delete chicken. *wink*
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=768&mesg_id=808
808, Yeah sure delete chicken. *wink*
Posted by Vonaxim (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I suppose I would delete too if I knew Vonaxim was strickly hunting me. I must be the only character of the entire game to

c tel where zorzsaul c tel c sum zorzaul pwk zorszaul

You and I both know that with Vonaxim's role and my abilities I could have perhaps killed you. I had 20 con to waste on you, and would have hit one of them. You stopped showing up, which is reasonable, so now others get to die.

On an aside, to all you chicken shits out there.... Maybe I am just crazy but, I grew tired of everyone saying, "Oh no, Zorszaul is about we better leave." And the proceeding to hide or quit. Vonaxim hunted him, plain and simple. The way to look at it is Zorszaul was the Michael Jordan of cf. Would you play Michael Jordan in front of a crowd of 30,000 people? Even for the slighest chance that something would go wrong and I would win I would play him over and over. I would not care about being embarrassed in front of 30,000 people. Everyone knows Zorszaul was an Immortal, hence will not likely respond to the posts, but I do not even care. I am glad the Immortal played. Lets me know how I am compared to them in situations of roleplaying, pking, and abusing powers.

I am sure several of us can say, if I had only done this then perhaps...... Well here is mine. The time Vonaxim and Wolsiave fought Zorszaul unprepared near the Servants of Dawn, all I had to do was call 'sigil of pain' instead of trying my 4 spells. After three rounds Zorszaul gushed, hence If I started off with sigil, and it has the effects it should(at least double the damage) gushing=dead. Sorry Wolsiave. I know you were mad at me for not thinking then.

It was fun, honestly.
