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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectFarewells
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=768&mesg_id=775
775, Farewells
Posted by Zorszaul (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wanted to post this the night I did the deed. But I didn't have time.

I was always pushing off deleting. Hoping my connection would get better.
But it didn't. Hoping I would get more time to play again. But I didn't.
I have some farewell comments from my long life. I am sure I will forget many
I shouldn't. You will just have to live with that.


Neblarkan. You were tough as nails and fun to have in the cabal. You deleted
too soon. The best was yet to come. Thanks for everything.

Jeurno. Thanks for all the banter. Bone Man remembers it with a smile. How
sad that Jeurnomancy has passed on.

Jagaub. You were a surprise. I didn't expect much out of human dagger spec
warrior but you proved me wrong. It was great to have you along for the ride.

Kleea. Sorry about killing you in the Frigid Wasteland that time. We ended up
having fun together didn't we? The good part of Zors may have been in love with
you. I want you to know I still had that poem and all of the pemmican with me
until the bitter end. It made me sad when you forgot. You did a great job with
all of the role playing and not even that will tarnish it.

Brogh. You were the best mid level duergar warrior bodyguard any hero lich
could have wanted. Always a laugh. Always worth the Captain's time.

Graeluumn. Thanks for the deposits into the Bank of Entropy Lich, and
everything else.

Kleptrec. Thanks for coming along. Sorry about how it turned out.

Jafarlin. My frequent partner in crime. I can't say enough good things. I am
sorry that it looks like you will be stuck in my shadow. There was a time when
I was afraid it would be the other way around. From showing everyone what
happens when two angry rank twenty mages can't find a group, to making Entropy
a power, to the mage hell explore team, you were there and you made it fun.
The doppel games were great, the paranoia was great. We had some good fights.
Strange no one else seemed to mind having their corpse defiled. Going up
against Master was good also.

Ahntrehents. Didn't know you that well but it was good having you along.


Manshoon. Sorry if I put you in a bad spot. Good fights, good talks.

Xalshei. You had to wave Tome in front of me didn't you. We had good
conversations, even if you were always angry. You deserved your tattoo.

Viscrinth. Sorry that you were the first Master casualty. Every time I brought
in a new trick to kill you I was sure you were going to use it on me the next
time. But that never happened. It was fun having you around.

Omniera. Thanks for the ranking help. Sorry about how things turned out.

Kudzurian. Thanks for my first Tome. Sorry I killed you for it.

Shenara. Thank you for all of the conversations. I am still wondering what
else I would have learned if we had more of them. I am glad to see you immed.

Valguarnera. Thanks for the talks. Thanks for including me in your scheme.
Sorry I tried to sell you out to the Maran. Congrats on imming. Thanks for
the talks afterwards.


Maclochlan. I told you I would get you for that. I am sorry I got you for it
so many times. You should have backed off but I respect that you didn't.

Saerkal. Not always too smart, but never afraid.

Takashimi. I was sure you were going to be the one to kill me next. Did you
have any idea how close you were in the waygate? Great rager, but you should
have turned leader down. Did you ever find Vilhazarog?

Talice. I still curse the arkham currents for pulling me away from the undead.
I never rested easy when you were around. Killing Drizzt was a pain.

Dhaevor. We had some great fights. If you weren't so conservative I would
have lived in constant fear of you. But you always let me pick the time and

Kacic. At first I thought you were just Dhaevor's pet bard. Maybe you were
and maybe you weren't. But I was surprised to see you were a real danger in
your own right.

Kastellyn. You were a smart runner when you had the need. All of battle could
learn from you. I know I did. Congrats on the promotion. The more recent
conversations were fun too but not as.

Sierothe. Everyone said bad things about you. Maybe I did too. But you were
great as a defender. You stole so many sure kills from me with those defender

Gelkof. I always heard impressive talk about you. I am sorry it was just talk.

Nesam. I think we had some good fights.


Gurkuzl. Thanks for the groups. Helping arbiter out against battle while in
entropy was fun. Sorry I betrayed and killed you later.

Shaldea. See above. Minus the betrayal and killing.

Etherian. You talked a good game. If only you could fight as well. Anyway
you were interesting to have around. By the way when I break into your guild
to kill you that means it is already too late.

Octavia. I don't know how you got to be a lord. Nice job putting that
contrived flag on me then quitting whenever I came on after so others could die
in your place. I am hoping you learned later, but when I knew you you didn't
understand what lawful good means at all.

Grallon. Some good fights.

Calarathiel. I thought you were an idiot at first. But when I got past all
the giggling and started to see the depth of the character I was very
impressed. Well played in every respect.

Ghoumbe. Thanks for a bogus flag which cost dozens of arbiters their lives and
even out lasted the arbiter cabal. It made me happy to see you thrown out.

Davor. Sorry about Shadar Lunn. But you should have known I had something up
my sleeve. You will never know how much that gear helped me out.

Denglod. Sorry about that power word. That was the best timing ever.


Quinthen. Father, we had some good fights and better talks. Nice work as

Sevietrem. Sorry you got in between Palan and I with fatal results. Otherwise
you seemed to have your act together.


Culhwch. You had more courage and ingenuity than anyone thought.

Promenas. When you were hasting those darsylon shopkeepers I told you that one
day you would look back on your life and realize that this was its greatest
moment, slowing me down for a while. I didn't see you much other than that.
Was I right?

Saldarito. A sylvan druid shouldn't ask a lich for help so many times.

Gergran. Sorry about betraying and killing you.


Gobnait. You were the first of the mighty Troupe to be spared my wrath, but
not the last. We had some fun conversations back when I was nobody. I did
figure out that quest for myself in case you were wondering.

Tathlyn. Thanks for listening to as much of my story as I wanted to tell.

Arvam. Sorry about that power word. Thanks for the pan, and everything.

Shermie. Thanks for believing in me.

Proserpina. You seemed interesting. It made me sad when you tried to kill me.

Armisael. Thanks for the insight and that final talk.

Ghaelok. Thanks for prying.

Ramiel. You were lucky in that Zors was fascinated with the idea of fallen
angels. Some of that fascination rubbed off onto you. I don't think he was
ever more than playing with you. I feel a little bad about that. You deserved
better. But I hope you enjoyed the interaction just the same. Thank you for
the lovely poem.


Ingvar. I had fun with you doppled and not. Sorry about the backpacks.

Iria. You seemed like an interesting character. Where did you go? I wonder
what would have followed if I had the chance to take you up on that offer.


Starlan. By now you must realize I was not as easy to beat as you thought?

Milia. Thank you for the duel and everything else.

Ashaxreyn. Sorry about being so unrelenting. You took it well.

Chaldaie. I was impressed by you in several ways.

Nicolette. You had a lot of heart. I couldn't have done what you did. Much

Solian. I still don't know why a Selric priest would attack someone. Even me.
Who requested a peaceful parley with his group. I meant it too.

Airac. Sorry about beating you to death with a frying pan. Evil Dawn.


Brindabella. You seemed very interesting and had good ideas. I was looking
forward to seeing more of what you would do. I am not just saying that because
of, you know.


Khiravn. You were too clever by far. It's too bad your groupmates were never
able to do their share.

Balrahd. Zors both loved and hated you. Sometimes I did too. Well played.

Deireadh. I expected more from you.


Iemanja. I wish you'd have stuck around. Our interactions were simply
fantastic. If only you hadn't gone for jealousy. You were special.

Palan. You were incredible. I was thrilled when you helped me out. No matter
what I may have told anyone, I lived in constant dread of fighting you. I put
it off for a week or two even after I got the orders. How differently that
could have gone. Even as you asked for help with the wand, it was in my hands.
If not for that you might have tricked me. Sorry about betraying and killing

Leika. I wanted a chance to fight you.

Avendella. I could not have asked for a better apprentice. In everything, you
were a joy. I hoped to see you lich and join me but it just wasn't to be?


Some times I felt like you hated me. Some times I felt like you liked me.
I never needed the con ritual. But I thought I deserved it. I am still
wondering what Viscrinth must have done right that I didn't. I had a good
time. So I won't complain much.

Twist. Thanks for all of our talks. 50/50 chance you said, what a different
world if it had gone the other way? I am still sore about being marked after
killing one Master. Thank you for restoring me when I got corrupted. Sorry I
didn't stop the Masters from killing you.

Vilhazarog. I didn't agree with the way you did many things but you did a good
job of coming across as cruel and evil. Thanks for the tattoo.

Cyradia. Thanks for the role contest, those talks, and everything else. I
still want that gargoyle.

Scarabaeus. I could see both why you are beloved and hated by so many. On a
good day you bring out the best in this game and the people who play it. On a
bad day, let's not talk about that. You need to think about what you want
out of those who enter hell and what it will take to do right by you. I tried,
but I didn't measure up. I am still wondering if it could be done. I wanted
almost more than anything to see the inside of the last circle after spending
so much time in the first eight, and when your intervention killed that dream
some of my interest in Zorszaul went with it. If you apologize for something
and mean it, you should try to make that thing right. I had fun with most of
it. So I can't complain that much.

Eyllivea. Great interview and fun interactions. Ishmael, I didn't talk to you
much but when I did it was quality. Pico, thanks for the corpse and the idea
about pocketless clothing, and everything else. But I have to say, whoever
threw me out of Entropy, what a joke. The powers of chaos may be fickle but I
was the best thing that ever happened to that cabal. I liked you all, but what
a crock.

Shokai. You are the best. I doubt anyone else would have taken the note I
sent you as a teen necro seriously. Thanks for playing along, it was always
great. Curse you for not forgiving me.

Poetry. Thank you for the contest and the talks. The poems too?

Amaranthe. Thanks for making me angry at the moon.

When I get a chance I will post any remaining logs I find. Maybe I will post
the role too. A year from now there will be some new king of the hill. You
will ask could Zorszaul beat him? I don't know who or what it will be. But
the answer is yes.