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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectRE: Just a couple of things.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=62162&mesg_id=62349
62349, RE: Just a couple of things.
Posted by odrirgsguesting on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always enjoyed your work. You are right. You always came and helped without having to be asked.

However. I'd say that's expected. A soldier doesn't get a medal of Valor for just doing his job.

Now on to some other things...

I personally had a strong suspicion this was either graatch or 2 other players.

Having played Sehvoor to your Loborguz, as well as a number of other foes and allies of your past characters, you have me of two vastly different and diametrically opposed viewpoints.

You are really good at roleplaying. And when you roleplay a likeable role, you are likable.

But it seems that you often go out of your way to choose roles that are seriously unlikeable.

Not only that. but roles that just about typify the term "elitist"

You've played a number of characters that were just flat out Assholes to those you thought were played by players below your skill level.

This is your biggest problem, I think, in your characters.

This is you, the player, making your character IC act differently towards others based on your opinion of their player, ooc.

I've witnessed this on both sides, as I have a penchant for playing roles and pretending to be newbieish myself.

In the past, I've had a character who was strong be friendly with one of your characters, and the next character...who was somewhat of a simpleton...treated like utter trash by the same character you were playing. And not for any role related reasons, having a good idea of your role from interacting with you.

Also. I often HATE to echo Nep. but a whole lot of your posts on the forum would look to any outsider to be someone with a HUGE sense of entitlement. This bleeds over into your characters, I feel, unless you go out of your way to keep it from doing so.

That I know for a fact that you are VERY capable of keeping this sort of thing out of your IC characters, makes me more dissapointed when it does creep in. Which seems to be more often than not. Though I might be mistaken.