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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectIn the Spirit of True BattleRagers
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=5959&mesg_id=5960
5960, In the Spirit of True BattleRagers
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I could not let Lohrn go without giving my stubby thumbs up.

Courage is pretty difficult to define. You can put it in words,
but those remain simply words. You put Courage into actions. Almost
every action of yours was backed by some form of courage. Lately
I've seen quite a bit of this from BattleRagers, you and Thralkoz
being two key individuals. I really had times watching you and felt
man, he's a walking Pwent. I'd also tell myself "he'd be a good story."

You took the berserker role and went with it, gutsy, bordering that
fine line of what is tactical and what isn't (berserkers having more
leeway here) and allowed your enemies to think twice about attacking
you (which is what berserkers are supposed to do).

It's refreshing to see that you took something you weren't sure about
and made it a great character. Very memorable and worth every
minute of my time. Excellent job and very inspirational for any
other wanna-be ragers out there.

Good luck in whatever else comes your way. Just thirst if it
looks desperate :)