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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectTalking smack
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=5616&mesg_id=5629
5629, Talking smack
Posted by Rithlan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Part of the role, I assure you. I knew I weas outmatched by you the first time I fought you, and made a point of trying to irritate you into making a stupid mistake. Unfortunatley I only managed to kill you once, when I was with a group. As for your kills against me...I can't think of any that were particularly well fought. The only one that really stands out in my mind was you running in and cranialing me at about 1/3 of my health after forcing Dugruain to word. I wasn't epxecting you to show up as fast as you did. The other that sucked was me attacking the judge, fleeing, and getting tangled up in the guards in the west gate. You came in, cranialed away, I fled, and ended up tangled in the guards again. A risk I knew I was taking. No matter...I enjoyed the cat and mouse regardless, and respected you from both a char and personal perspective.