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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectyour empowerment
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=5504&mesg_id=5512
5512, your empowerment
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
(1). You may spend a lot of time in your guild. You can't do much to convince your gods to empower you from there, and he/she will be watching you when you're not in his/her shrine or an appropriate place. You have to get out there and give them something to go on.

(2). You might need to burn some bridges with people you are on good terms with if that's what your role demands. For example, if you are a paladin sworn to destroy all evil (which actually depends on your role), you shouldn't be on good terms with evil people. Of course, your role may specifically target some evil over others, which might make it permissible to be on good terms with some if it aids your goal of killing the others.

(3) If you haven't already, use the role command to concisely explain your characters view on life.

(4) Many empowerments require some sort of preaching.

My quick and easy empowerment procedure (which has yet to achieve either a quick or easy empowerment but has never failed by the 100 hour mark) is:

(1) Find shrine. Not essential if you don't know Thera that well. In that case just find a place that seems appropriate and is out of the way a bit.

(2) Pray. Then emote while you wait. Maybe have yourself doing some sort of religious ritual. Personally I avoid having a ritual that is set up on a client and thus doesn't change at all. I try to change the words that go with actions or whatever.

(3) Roleplay at all times and preach sometimes. Making yourself do the preaching bit forces you to keep the role up at all times, and also brings you into contact with a lot of interesting people you would not otherwise meet. Your role-play doesn't have to be dynamic, but you should never step out of character -- eg to ask the stats of an item. Ok, sometimes you have to mention ooc things like having to log-off, but just use one of the CF euphemisms, like saying you are having to go on a pilgrimage or something. Everyone will get your point.