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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectcouple things
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=5114&mesg_id=5129
5129, couple things
Posted by Sehvoor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) I didn't die OFTEN to stupid mistakes until after you were gone, and then there was a reason for it. My con was a testiment to that. I didn't bring this up first, but you are in a position of being in the one of the worst places to talk to others about dieing stupidly.

You forgot treating everyone like they are worth nothing to you.

2) This is just flat wrong. I treated everyone in the village the same, minus Lob and Nery. My only guess at why you felt this way was because you entered our relationship already disliking me, so all of our interactions were colored by that filter you already had. There were plenty of others who did not get this impression, and as I treated just about everyone the same, my only conclusion is that the problem was more at your end.

Your whiny crying double note to get someone kicked out even though you were wrong in the situation.

3) I have those notes. I just re-read them. in none of them did I say "I deserve" or try to get anyone kicked out. I even mentioned MANY times in those notes how the disagreement between you and I was of a personal nature, and that I thought it said NOTHING of your worth (positive or negative) in the village. I even said many times that I did NOT think you should get kicked out.

I guess you read the notes wrong. They were written for one reason.

The general, and a respected elder, had a disagreement on what "War" meant. Sehvoor thought "WAR" meant that we should show them no mercy until told the war is over. You thought "WAR" meant we should show them no mercy until you disagree with the war, and to hell with the commander. So I wrote some notes to my higher ups explaining the nature of the disagreement, because they should always be apraised of what is going on in the Village. While I (the player) thought you had no legs to stand on, Sehvoor (the character) respected that you had your opinion, and decided to take our differences of opinion to the higher ups.

Of course, if you think the whole idea of "War" is "Until I don't like fighting", you will dislike the personality of someone who attended a war college and wanted to prosecute the war in a manner that would bring victory...instead of "Acquiescence". My guess is that this is why you thought I was overbearing. The ONE thing sehvoor would not bend in, was his protection of the commander's right to lead the village. And by lead I mean set where it will fight(within the confines set by the Imms). If you tried destroying the commander's right to lead, Sehvoor got harsh with you. If you didn't, he didn't

Now. About the whole thing about attacking the sylvan cabal. This episode gave you an opportunity to take your knee-jerk dislike of me and rationalize it.

The first word you EVER said to me after I became general? "No."

Here is how my logs show the situation. Maybe yours proves mine wrong, it's possible Players see things differently.

1) Lob mentions that he does not like logging on and finding enough villagers about to take the items...and we don't have them. I take this as a standing order to always get the items of the cabals we are at war with when possible. We are at war with the sylvan cabal. That means, we should take the sapling WHENEVER possible.

2) It is made clear to me that the ONLY person in the village who can declare war OR STOP A WAR (from thror's mouth) is the Commander.

3) I log on, am rank 35 or so. Ralgor is also on (while he was uncballed) No sylvans, so we decide to attempt the sapling...because WE ARE AT WAR.

4) We are getting our asses handed to us, because we are mid 30's and those damned sunrays are chapping our asses.

5) you log on. I know you are a defender, I ask you to come help us.

6) No.

7) Um...you know we are at war right?

8) Yes, but it is a stupid war, so I won't fight it.

9) You realise that only the commander can stop the war right...and that wether you like the war or not, we ARE at war...and by not fighting it, you are calling the commander a moron...and thus calling the Immortals who appointed him morons... right?

10) I don't care, I won't fight sylvans. Period.

11) Alright, asking won't get you here, I will order you.

12) You can't order me.

And thus from then on you showed me nothing but disrespect. Of course, I had gotten nothing other than that from you before hand, so it wasn't much of a change. Even after that, I respected your position, deferred to you often, praised you to others often....well...SEHVOOR did that...*I* behind the screen was calling you a moron...*chuckle*

You want to know the funniest part?

You and samar and Grolgie...all of your arguments about the war beign destructive...and the time for it as past...and it being useless...

Sehvoor agreed with ALL of those arguments.

He just knew that the ONLY one who was able to stop the war was Lob. And as a general, he would prosecute any war ordered to by his commander, his personal feelings aside. Because he knew that was his job. Seeing you guys try to just "do your own thing, and to hell with Lob" was frustrating to Sehv.

Of course, I(the player) got many belly laughs when Lob came back...and all of your bitching and whining about Lob and the war (to the point of claiming you would call Lob out when you saw him) turned to fawning on "He who could do no wrong". It was like watching children behave 180 degrees different when their parents are around.