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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectRE: Well what can you say?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=50359&mesg_id=50385
50385, RE: Well what can you say?
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I suppose I could say that it was not the work of being an imm
>that scared me off, as I was quite willing to do that. I
>spent near 700 hours(if not more) as an immortal and did what
>I could.

I respectfully disagree, up to a point. What follows is largely constructive advice for the future and something to think about for any player with an interest in imming.

In most respects, you were a great newbie imm. I can't and wouldn't deny that. You logged a lot of hours. You did the less glamorous tasks like description room helping and newbie channel question answering without complaint. You took on the area project you were asked to do, and turned out an area first draft very quickly. You often asked how else you could help out. All of that was great and I could point to a lot of it as "what to do as a new imm" for future generations.

However, while all of that is good, it's not the sum total of the job. Part of any group effort, and especially part of being the low person on the totem pole of any group effort, is being able to take direction/criticism. It's great to be able to submit an area or other project quickly, but it's also necessary to take feedback on the project and use it to make the final result something amazing. People like Ysaloerye, Eshval, Lyristeon, Thrak, and Qaledus (all of whom are much nicer and more patient than I am, for the record) took the time to look at your work and to offer you polite suggestions on how to improve it, which, as far as I can tell, you largely either argued with or ignored.

Dealing with criticism/feedback on something you put your heart into is hard, I know. It isn't anything I didn't go through as a new imm (except in my case, I had ShaidarHaran swearing at me and spam-slaying me, in contrast to today's more hugfull approach); it isn't anything everyone doesn't go through as a new imm. But it's part of the work, and it's a part you have to be willing to do.

Yes, different reviewers will have some different ideas of how to improve something. No one would blame you from taking one idea there and not another. However, your area can't have lots of non-subjective mistakes still (spelling/grammar, for example) when you say it's ready for a final review. It just can't. That's not being willing to do the work.

You had a lot of energy and promise, and I'm hoping that someday you'll realize the things you could've done better and why, and take another crack at it. Until then, best of luck with everything going on in your life.