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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectRE: (CON) Janroth the Grand Master of Changelings
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=5018&mesg_id=5019
5019, RE: (CON) Janroth the Grand Master of Changelings
Posted by Taithin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Knew this was coming, decided just to have abit of fun and end the character, rather than sit around trying to stay alive. Damned necromancers get me every time. Forget on a shapeshifter is just wrong. Janroth was just for fun, wanted to see what Nexus was like, play something simple after Kraern and all his self-imposed restrictions, and Nexus was hurting for people. Of course, with my luck...I apply to Nexus, and they close it to all applicants. So I wait around, end up heroing, then get to be the fourth inductee under the new system. Was enjoyable just being a respected elder member, and he was a nice stress relief, though I didn't enjoy BEING him as much as some of my more intricate characters....but, to good-byes.

Nexus first of course:

Vahlen: I tend to show my respect for Immortals I like by trying to follow their religion, and do it as best I can...with that in mind, I may have to try for the Osarin Guard sometime. Your mention of what I said when I was inducted made a notable impact with what Janroth would have done otherwise. It's probably a good thing you're so strict and harsh in character, or Nexus would spend all day picking on each other. I know there were a few times I think Janroth as a character came close to disappointing Vahlen as a God, but I'm curious to hear what you think as a player. (If I get to hear that, you'll be assured at least one fan forever. *grumbles about damned dwarves leaving fire giants up in air for conclusions*)

Divox, Lord of the Lovable Little People. *chuckle* Gnomes get no respect. We fought a few times together, but those were just horrible. Probably a good thing we ended up not fighting together much, but your personality made things fun.

Lorak...an interesting pick for Elder Magus...hadn't known you at the time, had just taken a bit of a break from Janroth, but I was open-minded to see how you did, and I think you've done quite well. Keep it up.

Nydeikon: As a player, I've always thought rather well of you. My characters tend to take on abit of my own stubbornness and sense of responsibility, so that assassination of Segroi bothered Janroth a good bit. I understood as a player why, but still didn't quite care for it. It caused the end of Janroth's life to go a touch different than I thought it would.

Theerkla: You said it yourself, I'll said it again...DAMN we made a good team. Running around with you was quite enjoyable, mainly because I could always count on you to manage your half in an emergency.

Fristapholin: Always got along well with you, it'll be interesting to hear how things go. Remember what I told you to ask Divox or Vahlen.

Other Nexus....there's many of you I could continue to name, but that would take me forever...needless to say, I don't think there's a single one of you I don't like...keep up the good work.

Scions: Half the time enemies, half the time friends...if it weren't for necromancers, I tend to enjoy enemies just because it keeps things lively.

Honorable mention to Tilaen and Viornsra, you two were noteworthy.

Dullameh: Told you. *grin*

Dawn/Maran/Herald: Not many of you around, never interacted with many...thanks again to Zardik though, for trying to help me out.

Sylvan: I came *SO* close to trying to get an all-out war with you. I'm still miffed about that four-person gang on an unshifted mage wearing pitch-black rings being confused for a Warlock. Some interesting fights. Manecit gets honorable mention here.

Battle: You get to bring up the rear, because I think I spent more time in the village fighting with you all than at the Rift. Manarei gets ever honor I can think of here. You *REALLY* came far from that little assassin defender I remember as Kraern.

Varrik: I hate to go at someone...but I had utterly no respect for you. I think there's times you fought me alone, but overall...it was all downhill.

Samar: Way back at the start...I should never bothered going ram. Got me killed so damned often...sometimes I hated you, sometimes I liked you.

Segroi: Rather hate to see you delete. You're the sort of villager I'd like to see more of.

Hmm, now that I'm thinking about it though...spent too long just fighting, I can't even remember half of the villagers individually, who I liked or disliked. Overall, I noticed a disturbing tendancy to come at me two or three against me alone, or try and hedge the rules..."We never attacked together, it was 1-1 all the time." Two I can understand...croc's damn near impossible for a lot of people to kill solo, but...you also never had much of a chance of dying, and more than two on me's just cowardly.

Never really interacted with the Imms aside from Vahlen with Janroth, but as always.....all the effort you all put into it is recognized. Thanks.