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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectRE: (CON) Theerkla the Mistress of the Jungle
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=4680&mesg_id=4683
4683, RE: (CON) Theerkla the Mistress of the Jungle
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, where to begin. I guess first, how ironic things can be sometimes. This character was rolled up (cloud giant axe spec warrior) so that I could level sit in the mid 20's and get better at PK'ing. Things just didn't end up the way I planned. Instead, this was my second hero and by far the most enjoyable character I've had. In another odd twist of fate, the only character I've enjoyed this much was helped to an early con death by Vahlen, Myrlokon, and Caelph when the rift was first formed. As far as getting better at PK'ing, well I improved some but I'll probably never be very good at it. This ended up being my exploration character. I stumbled into Thar Acaccia, the Elven Vaults, the Vale of Veran and a few other places I've never been before (note to self, cloud giant axe specs aren't the best exploration characters)

And as the only rant I have, for those of you who rage delete because your perfect whatever and 0 pk record was broken? Well, I won't tell you how to play or enjoy CF, but I will tell you your missing out on so much of the game that you might want to try getting past that attitude. Just play your life out and see where it goes from there.

So on to goodbyes if I forgot you, it's because I have a bad memory, give a shout out and I'll try to say something nice :

All of you were truly like family. I would have been dead and gone a long time ago if it weren't for you. Having gone from five or six of us to the current size of the rift was something I enjoyed being around for, maybe even a part of.

Lord Vahlen: First off, thank you for inducting me. I know my motivations and roleplay for joining the rift were razor thin. Had there been more then a handful of members at the time, I imagine you would have told me to go consider things further. Also thanks for all the interactions. That time in Udgaard when a man-at-arms walked up to me and asked why I was trickling blood, I almost fell out of my chair when that happened. Plus all those visits from dragons, you must have been sitting there muttering to yourself about what a fool I am sometimes. Thanks for being patient and letting me partake of the bond. Of course at the start there, I wasn't sure I'd ever get to bond with anybody.

Divox: I wish our times overlapped more, but the few times I saw you were immensely enjoyable. Good luck on being an Imm.

Janroth: You old croc. You get the mantle of seniority now. Thanks for looking out for me. We had some good times grabbing the head and all. The two of us got raiding the destructor down to a pretty fine science.

Nydeikon: see Divox. Glad you and Lorak are elders, you make a good pair.

Lorak: Well, we had some good times too. Worrying about you was one of my favorite pasttimes. I imagine I'll need inducting at some point (just can't get enough of the bond), so it's good to have leaders that are around alot.

Cusip: How old is your character? I remember making fun of a gnome with that name (asked if you had a brother named Sedol) with another character, but I thought that was around June or so. Walrus is truly an inspiring form. Also, I've gotten off the name band wagon so yours is fine to me nowadays.

Daherizin: The last of my charges. You getting the title of hero was really the final goal I set for Theerkla, glad to see you made it. Wish I were going to be around a lot longer but those are the breaks I guess. Thanks for talking me out of throwing myself at the chasm when I was down to my final death.

Fristapholin: What can I say, you know your stuff certainly, and so polite too *grin*. Anyways, as with all of the rift, interactions with you were always pleasant.

Talno, Montego, Kazahando, and a whole bunch of others, I always tried to be there for anybody that needed aid or looking after. Hope the motherly bit wasn't too annoying.

Dirt Farmers (aka Villagers)
Let's see.... I'll only mention a few that really stuck out:

Varrik: I just couldn't tell about you. Sometimes you seemed overly cautious, othertimes you used tactics effectively and to your benefit. Sometimes I admired you, other times I felt contempt. Anyways that time you got Janroth just after we took the head and were headed out of the village, changed the way I look at you.

Samar: The mark of a good player is others want to be like you. After the fourth or fifth time you killed me I was thinking of deleting and rolling up a felar spear spec.

Penz: You've got skill and guts the perfect barbarian, plus now you've got a cool title. That day I first full looted you I had a lousy RL day and took it out on you. Sorry.

Sharvin: In my eyse, the smartest villager I fought. Too bad you weren't on our side

Everybody else:
Kuhekeeh: Let it finally be said, I forgive you for stealing all those things in the underdark.

Nefarhin: you owe me that story still

Daurwyn, Trien, Anborankein: I always liked travelling with warlocks, you guys were a reliable lot

Viornsra: How many times could you have killed me that you didn't? Never would have made it this long if you were ever really after my blood. Like I said, you were too kind hearted for a scion.

Tilaen: I like your character. For some reason I get this picture of a sneaky scheming little spider spinning webs within webs, but hey who's going to turn down the aid of a competent invoker, plus somehow we were friends and you never got around to betraying or using me (least not as far as I know). Wish the war hadn't come up, but damn where'd all those scions come from anyways?

Tchakatchaka: Don't know why you decided to start trying to gaunt me all the time. I would have let it go except you lashed when your first successful gaunt got me there. Spiteful it might be, but I'm glad you died at the moderator when you came in to get me.

There's probably more but I'm tired and more than a little drunk so that will have to do for now.