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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectRE: Gotta respond to this...
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=4539&mesg_id=4585
4585, RE: Gotta respond to this...
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The requests I mentioned typically come from people whose characters I don't know, meaning there's nothing substantive to report. I could probably con the names from them and report the abuse, but they would no doubt wise up and simply stop talking to me.

Then again, that might not be a bad thing.

Correct on all counts. There's a critical mass here- if enough skilled players, yourself included, make a decision to play fairly, the characters have to work within a smaller crowd, which makes catching them easier, which makes removing them easier, which makes cheating harder, which.....

They need you a lot more than you need them, anyway. Having interacted with a few of your characters, I suspect it would take you longer to find the guy on IRC/etc. who can sneak you an easy induct somehow.... than to just do the interview and leave them impressed.

Ditto for gear. I allegedly suck, and I know I can reliably gear a character of any level/alignment in a short period of time (*) with reasonably good stuff (and kill for better from there). Doubly so if it's been a while since a reboot, and I can put my scavenger skills to work.

From the pen of:
valguarnera@carrionfields.com">Valguarnera Trisseptia

(*) Some sad sack will inevitably claim this is because I'm an Immortal. I'll point out in advance that I was much better at finding gear before I was an Immortal, because I spent all my CF time playing CF, instead of working on invoker spells, fancy corpses, disarm stuff, quests, areas, socials, tattoo, religion, a few dozen quest spells, and busting the 438th idiot cheater who is multi-charing Camelot gear that is lying on the ground in Camelot, then lying about having done it.