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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectBlidern/Great White Shark
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=45541&mesg_id=45569
45569, Blidern/Great White Shark
Posted by Trelant on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Blidern the svirfnebli is here.

{927/942hp 357/357m 479/799mv (6.19%)} Blidern yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Trelant!'
Blidern dodges your slice.
Blidern is covered with bleeding wounds.

{927/942hp 357/357m 474/799mv (6.19%)}
Blidern calls upon the great white shark to help him.
The great white shark moves in to attack you!
You dodge the great white shark's chomp.
The great white shark's chomp MUTILATES you!
You parry the great white shark's chomp.
Blidern is covered with bleeding wounds.

{888/942hp 357/357m 466/799mv (6.19%)}
It starts to rain.
Blidern is covered with bleeding wounds.

{894/942hp 357/357m 473/799mv (6.19%)}
You parry the great white shark's chomp.
You parry the great white shark's chomp.
Blidern parries your slice.
Blidern dodges your divine power.
Blidern dodges your slice.
You execute the form The Boar Rushes Down the Mountain!
You yell 'Muad'drin tia dar allende caba'drin rhadiem!'
Your slice *** DEVASTATES *** Blidern!
You parry Blidern's wrath.
You parry Blidern's wrath.
Blidern is covered with bleeding wounds.

{894/942hp 342/357m 453/799mv (6.19%)} You press Blidern forcibly, bearing down on him!
You are unable to find an opening to savage Blidern's face with your teeth!
Blidern is covered with bleeding wounds.

{894/942hp 342/357m 453/799mv (6.19%)}
Blidern spins the shaft of an unholy axe, 'Nightbringer', hitting you with its points.
Blidern's whirling axe DISMEMBERS you!
Blidern is covered with bleeding wounds.

{835/942hp 342/357m 453/799mv (6.19%)}
You dodge the great white shark's chomp.
The great white shark's chomp maims you!
Blidern deflects your slice with his shield.
Blidern dodges your divine power.
Blidern deflects your divine power with his shield.
Your hammer pendant grows warm.
The power of your protections interfere with a black hammer pendant's healing.
You feel better!
You dodge Blidern's wrath.
You dodge Blidern's wrath.
Blidern is covered with bleeding wounds.

{817/942hp 342/357m 422/799mv (6.19%)}
You dodge the great white shark's chomp.
You dodge the great white shark's chomp.
Blidern deflects your slice with his shield.
Blidern deflects your divine power with his shield.
You dodge Blidern's wrath.
Blidern is covered with bleeding wounds.

{817/942hp 342/357m 400/799mv (6.19%)} His feet aren't on the ground.
Blidern is covered with bleeding wounds.

{817/942hp 342/357m 400/799mv (6.19%)}
Blidern stops using the Shield of the Abyss.
Blidern is covered with bleeding wounds.

{817/942hp 342/357m 400/799mv (6.19%)}
Blidern dual wields a stone baton.
Blidern is covered with bleeding wounds.

{817/942hp 342/357m 400/799mv (6.19%)}
Blidern stops using a stone baton.
Blidern dual wields a stone baton.
You dodge the great white shark's chomp.
Your slice MASSACRES Blidern!
Blidern dodges your divine power.
You dodge Blidern's wrath.
You dodge Blidern's pound.
You dodge Blidern's wrath.
Blidern is covered with bleeding wounds.

{817/942hp 342/357m 374/799mv (6.19%)} You attempt to break Blidern's spine over your knee, but you fail!
Your spinebreaker misses Blidern.
Blidern is covered with bleeding wounds.

{817/942hp 342/357m 374/799mv (6.19%)}
Blidern stops using an unholy axe, 'Nightbringer'.
Blidern is covered with bleeding wounds.

{817/942hp 342/357m 374/799mv (6.19%)}
The great white shark's chomp MUTILATES you!
You dodge the great white shark's chomp.
You dodge the great white shark's chomp.
Blidern dodges your slice.
Blidern dodges your divine power.
Blidern dodges your slice.
You execute the form The River Undercuts the Bank!
Blidern dodges your slice.
You dodge Blidern's pound.
You dodge Blidern's pound.
Blidern is covered with bleeding wounds.

{778/942hp 327/357m 334/799mv (6.19%)}
Blidern dual wields a stone baton.
Blidern is covered with bleeding wounds.

{778/942hp 327/357m 334/799mv (6.19%)}
Blidern tries to drum you with his maces, but misses.
Blidern's drumming maces misses you.
Blidern is covered with bleeding wounds.

{778/942hp 327/357m 334/799mv (6.19%)}
The great white shark's chomp devastates you!
The great white shark's chomp MUTILATES you!
The great white shark's chomp MUTILATES you!
The great white shark gets a wild look in his eyes.
Blidern dodges your slice.
Blidern dodges your divine power.
Blidern dodges your divine power.
You dodge Blidern's pound.
You dodge Blidern's pound.
Blidern is covered with bleeding wounds.

{670/942hp 327/357m 299/799mv (6.19%)}
The great white shark's chomp EVISCERATES you!
You dodge the great white shark's chomp.
The great white shark's chomp MUTILATES you!
Blidern dodges your slice.
Your divine power MASSACRES Blidern!
Blidern dodges your slice.
Blidern dodges your divine power.
You shout out a warcry!
You dodge Blidern's pound.
You dodge Blidern's pound.
You step close and sneak an elbow into Blidern!
Your elbow smash MUTILATES Blidern!
You dodge Blidern's pound.
Blidern is gushing blood.

{585/942hp 327/357m 255/799mv (6.19%)}
Blidern brings a stone baton around with bone-shattering force!
You can no longer find the strength to wield the Eagle-Marked Sword.
Blidern's bone-shattering blow MASSACRES you!
Blidern is gushing blood.

{516/942hp 327/357m 255/799mv (6.19%)} You lunge for Blidern's weapon!
You try to grapple Blidern's a stone baton with your teeth, but you fail entirely, bludgeoning yourself!
Your grappling EVISCERATES you!
Blidern is gushing blood.

{471/942hp 327/357m 255/799mv (6.19%)}
The great white shark's chomp EVISCERATES you!
The great white shark's chomp EVISCERATES you!
Your punch misses Blidern.
Blidern dodges your divine power.
Blidern dodges your divine power.
You instinctively duck out of the way of Blidern's pound!
Blidern's pound EVISCERATES you!
You instinctively duck out of the way of Blidern's pound!
You instinctively duck out of the way of Blidern's pound!
You instinctively duck out of the way of Blidern's pound!
Blidern is gushing blood.

{330/942hp 327/357m 212/799mv (6.19%)}
The great white shark's chomp MUTILATES you!
You instinctively duck out of the way of the great white shark's chomp!
The great white shark's chomp EVISCERATES you!
Your punch DISMEMBERS Blidern!
Blidern dodges your punch.
Blidern dodges your divine power.
You instinctively duck out of the way of Blidern's pound!
You instinctively duck out of the way of Blidern's pound!
Blidern's pound misses you.
You instinctively duck out of the way of Blidern's pound!
Blidern is gushing blood.

{242/942hp 327/357m 169/799mv (6.19%)}
Blidern stops using a stone baton.
Blidern wields an unholy axe, 'Nightbringer'.
Blidern is gushing blood.

{242/942hp 327/357m 169/799mv (6.19%)}
Blidern attempts a sweeping gut shot, but misses entirely!
Blidern's disembowelment misses you.
Blidern is gushing blood.

{242/942hp 327/357m 169/799mv (6.19%)} On the River
You are traveling down a swift river that runs through Galadon. The waters
look cold and deep. The banks are high here where it emerges from the bridge
to the west. Downstream, to the east, the banks look low enough to climb out
of the river.

You flee from combat!
You frantically glance about, but don't see an opportunity to get further towards safety.