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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectRE: More clarifications, important topic included.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=4539&mesg_id=4556
4556, RE: More clarifications, important topic included.
Posted by JAH on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Hmm. First you agreed that you were nothing but a gear-gatherer, now you seem to want to argue it.

I know I may sound confusing here, and I'm still sorting through my thoughts. As a recovering cheater, I've come to the understanding that the Immortals are supreme beings, and that I should be in agreeance with them at all times. At the point of my demise, I humbly accepted my punishment and made a decision not to keep going. I could've, but I really didn't feel like it. However, reflecting upon my initial words that I spoke here, I don't believe that I did myself justice the first time around. Not only did I accept the decree of the heavens, I preached it. In addition, I am not in any terms defining Shokai a 'jerk' for his actions. I am, however, filling in the gaps that I left in my initial post, believe it or not.

>but if you do some bad things too... Well then you didn't do your job roleplaying a Paladin. If you can get a good idea of what the concept of chivalry is about, that's the best place to start when roleplaying a paladin.

In my opinion, the personification of chivalry (and the closest thing to a paladin) in legend would be Lancelot. Chivalrous in action, noble in deed. Yet he still managed to bang Arthur's wife. Nobody's perfect.