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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectCool, a response!
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=4539&mesg_id=4552
4552, Cool, a response!
Posted by JAH on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>You haven't dealt with me much in the past have you?

>instead I do what I did with you, and then let you work yourself back. I'm big on redemption....maybe it's the recovering Catholic in me...but I've always thought it's far cooler for someone to fall and then pick themself back up...that for someone to start off perfect.

Oh I would completely agree. A fantastic base for a compelling story. But... why wait 15,000 minutes of active play time? For anything? Even a word (which I never got)? 289 hours for a character who plays everyday tries alot and screws up at times deserves... oh, I don't know... five minutes (I've never been to the kuo-toa king before, I had no clue what to expect the first time around, which was nothing compared to the second time around, ie. calling priests every other round)? Is that too much? Sorry, but I haven't won the lottery yet so I've still got to have a job and go to school. Time is somewhat precious, and I dislike the fact that I have to hate what you did, because I felt like I had to start all over again. You gave me no foundation to build upon because you didn't give me any feedback!

>Imagine if once or twice Ruairc had sat fretting in the guild greatly desiring Defiance...yet knowing that much blood would spill if he went for it...*that* is roleplaying a flaw.

Again, I had no clue what to expect from the king.

Alright, I guess I'm just beating a dead horse from this point on. I'll part with this. Sorry for screwing up. I had no idea you are such an unforgiving God (lord knows I prayed many times about it). Sorry for wasting your time with my inexperience with empowerment characters. I've never had any character past 150 hours before, and I thought I covered a lot of ground with Ruairc. Only to have it crumble away before my very eyes in the reflection of that bloody sword. Eek! Sounding bitter again...
I love to play. I love to have fun. I also prefer to have an inkling of what to expect. Well... 290 hours later, I do (and seriously, after 250 hours of no Shokai, I had no idea how long I would have to wait again for another divine intervention).

Trial by fire...