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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectRE: Well, let's see:
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=43100&mesg_id=43341
43341, RE: Well, let's see:
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>You said here even at the low levels trip still fels horribly
>unfair to you when your on the thief side of things. yes, I
>agree. but even with the things I saw it carried over far into
>the upper ranks too. all those misses in the lower/mid 40's.
>As per necromancers, they cant keep fly up for life. they dont
>have to. Trip is going to lag someone for two rounds. If, and
>truly only if they havent spam walked, they are going to
>flee/quaff a potion of flying.

Maybe. A lot of times people won't live through the two rounds if you do it right. If they do live, do flee and quaff exactly as you said? Assuming they don't run afoul of an unlucky flee, parting block, cheap shot, or a dozen other things? If all of that's true and you think you can't win?

Then you get to just hide. The fight's over and the necromancer's done. You had a chance to kill them, and they had ZERO chance of killing you.

>fight. level 32. and if you can look at the wands he had. I
>know from sitting there stealing from him he had all three at
>level 32.

Having and being able to use are two different things.

>A thief just isnt going to kill a
>necromancer even without pets/flying, etc. I am not saying its
>not probable, just not likely.

A crappy thief isn't, no. One of the deadliest characters currently existing is a thief and I assure you they've killed a metric ass pile of necromancers.

>I on teh other hand have had the other forms. To me it is
>worthless compared to the fox, the hyena, and the snake. Most
>of my shifters have been double utility. in every scenario I
>can think of except for chasing someone, I would rather have
>any other utility form. #### I would rather have almost every
>other fourth tier form, and even some third tier forms in most

Sorry, here you're just on crack.

>Eh. I would get speckleds because I can geta few at a time
>with 1 item, and the healing is lagless. The potions and the
>like I used to use when I gathered them were also of healing,
>but there is a lag to quaff. There isnt with eat. There are
>also no negative effects to the pill. I would rather 20 pills
>on me than a healer.

Crack crack crack crack crack. I'm too surly and full of red wine to refute this more logically.

>Anti-gang code: You don't understand and I'm not interested in
>explaining it right now.
>I wrote it much more to point out that as long as a mob is
>with any party, the anti-ganging code doesnt work on them.
>That includes special guards, to which five people and 2
>special guards are not affected by the code, and the solo 1
>person they are ganging doesnt even get to see all the echoes
>before they die. There was more to the post but I dont feel
>like looking right now its 730, at my brothers house on his

See above: You don't understand how this works, because nothing you said there resembles correct.

>Level 32 mage dominating etc: If you think so, make a
>level-sitting level 32 mage and prove it.
>I think again it was razmorthin, and another necromancer, I
>think also a scion? forget name. They proved it for me. I dont
>know where wands are. They keep moving, and I keep not playing
>the game. I dont have a char now, but I do have a thought I
>just might make another before school starts for me on jan

I don't think we've moved any of those wands in a few years.

>Bash does not perm lag.

Saying bash doesn't perm lag is like saying ####ing doesn't make babies. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. If you're on the bad end of it, you take your chances.

>At those levels
>with human pk range, being able to fight level 23's at 32. The
>23's bashes have even more chance to miss than the high miss
>rate it already has.


>A necromancer at level 32 with I think
>can have a mummy, golem, and five zombies.

You think way ass wrong.

>Though changed a
>few years ago that level couldnt have anymore elite storm
>giants, they can still have elite dwarven guards

They could still have storm giants. No change made there.

>and can haste
>them all for free.

Why don't you explain the free haste to me, because I can think of some, but none you can do at that level.

>five hasted mobs three of them higher level
>than the level 32, with a/b/s I am not worried about one

See above: You can't have the full wack at that level.

>even if it was a level 35 arial sword spec warrior
>that even was able to drive me away from my pets. Rager on the
>other hand just depends on how healthy I am before I flee,
>what mobs I have near to vampiric, his weapons, etc.
>Irreguardless on all of these, a necromancer that prepared in
>the mid levels can get away with ease. bash/trip doesnt do
>enough for a long fight

See, this is why I told you to play it... because your theories are based on about 20 things that aren't true. I can tell you they're not true, but somehow that isn't as eloquent as a random giant warrior bashing you down.