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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectBattle Goodbyes, enemy goodbyes in another Note
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=4313&mesg_id=4331
4331, Battle Goodbyes, enemy goodbyes in another Note
Posted by Goapa (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well it is an end of an era.

My computer did a nice nose dive due to a video card/driver incapatibility. I finally got it fixed a week ago but the driver for my PCI communications device (my fax/modem internal card) was not present and so I had to search for the driver. I have yet to find it. Parents gave me an old work computer and did not include all the drivers for it :). As you can see this was my first real problem with it.

First, Goapa.
Goapa was a character started with the sole goal in mind not to be the picture perfect hero that most if not all of my other characters have been. You know, the driven, one minded, dedicated, goal oriented character. This one was a truly chaotic neutral, confused, mentally unbalanced, having serious problems arial who moods swung like a pendulum on crack.
I had a wonderful role and I stuck to it but I never posted it to my character. I just had that want to force people to get to know the whole character through interactions over time. Most ragers if not all of them saw that (I hope) and probably Thror and Intronan, others got little pieces, but oh well. One or two got the whole story.

I hope I pulled it off, but if not, oh well, it was fun.

Battle has always been my family. I have spent some of the best 6 years of playing there and it is a family. It is because you go through the best and worst times with people and get close fast and because in most cases (especially ugly raid situations) you have to rely on the other person. The crutch of dealing with life without magic is tremendous. Those who don't see it just don't get it and have not played a rager.
As most villager knew already, Goapa had serious, and I mean serious, family-interpersonal problems. And numerous villagers played serragate (sp?) roles in Goapa's life:
His Mother: Nerylana
Nerylana you were awesome and a great bard. We had our disagreements but you were, in essense, Goapa's mother. You took care of him during the most difficult times of the sylvan war and various other times. Your death hit him big and sent him tumbling down the "mountain".

His Big Brother #1: Grolgthus
Big angry fire giant that Goapa secretly idolized. You taught Goapa how to curse and from that point on Goapa cursed like you. His little way of idolizing you. You were awesome.

His Big Brother #2: Samar
You didn't put up with Goapa's crap which he hated but secretly loved. Our confrontations were always very verbal and alway enjoyable.

Meushen, you and I were always on the same wavelength. We fought always and continually on the same page. We were so dangerous together it was awesome. It was good to finally travel with someone I could totally rely on.

His Evil Side: Hralleth
You were one evil bastard and you inspired him to do evil things to goodly people. Bahlrah (sp) I would like to apologize for cheating you like that with the potion deal. Goapa was convinced he was sent to test paladins after that four on one paladin gangbang of me for stealing a potion. I'll address that later below.

The Hated Brother: Armand
You were very old when I was very young and I hated you so much. Goapa only saw a magic tattooed whore. But as a player, good job.

The Despised: Sehvoor
I hated you from beginning to end as Goapa. First you took up the mantle of Generalship or whatever position you were appointed like it was your god given right. I don't know about anyone else but in the village, no matter what "label" was thrown on you, you had to earn your respect around there. You definitely didn't earn it with hardly any villagers that I know of. Every single one of them I talked to as Goapa hated you. I don't know if you were a newbie or not, but you definitely didn't play an assassin too well. Maybe in the past month with me gone you did must better. Good jobe getting the position, unfortunately Goapa didn't even think you deserved yak crap.

Other friends of the guild:
You were old and good. A thief scout is the most effective combo for a thief, and you played it well.
Other old bones thief. We were great together. I know how cheesy it was, but cheap shot ranking was so neat to watch.

Oh the attitude on you kept up with Goapa. I would sometimes talk to you knowing I was so in the wrong to get your reaction. Always cold, harsh and assholish. Perfect :). You knew what you were doing. Your inventory although was quite ugly. You could equip perfectly two ragers with what you had in your inventory. The greedy little assassin who was too good at his job. Keep it up if you are still alive.

Mobongo: The storm giant who I constantly made fun of and had fun with. By the way, my pet Boa constrictor ate the puppy you gave to Goapa, sorry. :)

Isk: Jybrian stop deleting. We all love you!

The big old Father figure of Goapa's Life:
Most of Goapa's mental problems were evident here. I was hoping when I started interacting with you that you would become the father figure and you fell into the role to a tee, thanks for that. I was going to do Intronan, but he was too damn aloof to nail down. We had the best interactions. The night of depressed binge drinking was so funny I was crying at my terminal. I could not stop laughing it was so funny. We had the best times and I would like to thank you for being such a good character to interact with. To be honest, how cheesy this sounds, there was one moment interacting with you that I actually almost cried. I think I we welling up. I know people, chessy, but still. That is some good roleplaying. Good luck with everything and you were a great leader even though you were a hard ass.

To all the other villagers thanks for putting up with my crap.

To the three or so people I took to mentor who quickly deleted or died, sorry.

To all the people who I interviewed and just didn't cut it, sorry. I tried my best. I have had numerous leaders but Goapa was not cut out to be a talker.

Thror: Thanks a ton for giving me a chance. I just thought it would be something Goapa would be interested in doing and took to it. Whoever the demon was in Selric's shrine, you scared the crap out of me but did a good job. I think it was you. I would like to thank you for the returning of Con even though it was the LAST thing my character or my player wanted, but how can you refuse a god? I wanted to play out his life and that extra con put a crimp in my style. I wanted anything but con and extra life and you gave that to me. Damn you and thanks anyway.

Also, I was going to IMMort with Goapa and wrote the note and such. When you responded that I had to post it to all the Immortals even though Intronan said to run it by you first, I was a little disheartened. I wrote the note but did not send it because I realized that in 7 months I would not have any time for any kind of game and I knew it would put an end to any work for CF for at least a year. So I didn't send it. It would have been nice to return all the good times and I have tons of ideas and areas and whatever. I just know although that I would end up shafting CF. Thanks and good luck.

Intronan: You inducted me and I thank you for it. Your advise was indispensable. I loved the supply run we had set up when I was really young. And thanks for inducting me even though Goapa made up all these different stories to impress you. Heh.

More to come later.