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Topic subjectGoodbyes to Non-Battles
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=4313&mesg_id=4317
4317, Goodbyes to Non-Battles
Posted by Goapa (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First, I forgot to mention I died with a 7 constitution. Without the con quest I would be at 1 con, long dead.

Other Immortals:
I toyed seriously with the idea of turning Goapa into a Selric field medic for battle. I thought it would have been an awesome idea. Oh well, a defender Selric follower would be a very interesting, difficult, and great character. Someone please do it so I don't try to come back to CF and do it.

Thanks a ton for your words of encouragement. They blew Goapa away and fed his continual need for recoqnition. Our talks were great I wished you would have taken me up on my offer to do something for you since you did so much for Goapa and the village itself.

I chose sphere concealment not because Goapa was all secretly and such, it was because he was concealing so much emotional damage and pain. I hoped you could have done that simple little tiny request for me in the beginning to give my character an interesting beginning, but I understand that you are busy. I wanted the Guildmaster of Hamash to send a letter to Intronan saying to take me in for "certain" reasons. Oh well.

Various Immortals above:
I did not have any bad immortal interactions. I understand how hard it is I just wish one thing. Immortal interaction is the pinnicle of enjoyment on the mud. You feel kind of special and it is truly engaging. I would ask that you give just 10 minutes of immortal interaction to your mortals a week, each one. Give them something to strive for. Hell put them on useless quests to kill another mortal that is of an opposite cabal. Make them feel like they are questing. It would take five minutes to appear and say, "I demand something of you young one. The head of the Scarab Flame. His preachings have grown strong and his strength must be cut down. Do this and be rewarded."

If they do it reward them with something stupid. Title, little trinket that doesn't do anything but shows favor. Something. Would make the experience 100% better. Anyway, done ranting here.

(going to butcher names, I'm sorry so many to remember)
The bard apostle Dauryn (sp). Thanks for taking the time to show me Selric's shrine even after I picked apart Tibaloa so many times. Truly a forgive and forgive character, thanks.

Bidfahl (sp) You were very good at what you did and I loved the "deal" we struck. I wished you didn't scroll back to "make sure" you didn't have a potion before. To kind of deal it in the moment of reality, but oh well. It was fun and I hope you didn't get any guff from Shokai for it or any other goodie. I personally would think a Paladin, no matter how many extra things he lost out of his inventory would be above bothering with a thief. It just seems below them to kill because you lost a potion or an extra sword. To be ganged by 4 paladins was so much of a surprise for me literally just watched with my jaw open. I do thank you for returning the horn. It was one of the main parts of the cure for the village. To lose it would have ment to lose the village... :(

dark elf assassin Jy something (again sorry sp): Were you a scion? Where you not a scion? You assassinated scions yet so many swore you were one. I just left you be because I never knew. You kept it a very good secret, I was always guessing.

Karel: Bastard, bastard bastard! That fight where I missed four trips in a row was so... wrong. I have never in my life missed four trips in a row. I had you, but I guess not. So many times I had you and you were saved by that damn low ranked healer. Bastard.

Mobus: Good fighting you, always fun.

Iillien: Never could figure you out. You had the mask but never came out after me unless you had numbers. To see a thief is to render them almost completely useless. It was always a tough fight.

Halisstra: I don't think I ever got you, well I take that back, maybe I did. You certainly got me a couple times.

Brotmin: My role you killed my mother with a misplaced backhand. That is how old you were. It didn't really matter but I did have a vendetta for you. I had you at north gate that one time but had wimpy set high because I was raiding in lag and forgot to turn it off. I wimpied when you were at convulsing and I was at 250 hits. It would have been close, wish I could have brought it there. Beyond that, polearm specs = bye bye thiefy. Damn that Thunderlance.

Vaern: Possible misspelling here. I always seemed to catch you at the worst fricking times. Your fly always seemed just to fall. Good going though.

That scion assassin who constantly talked trash to me even after I slew him twice. I think you know who you are but your name escapes me. Every time you would see me on you would say something then log off... Whatever.

Alsic: THIEF BATTLES! Thief battles were always so much fun. So much luck and spamming it was gross. Especially the eastern road thief hunt, hillarious. Embodied in Alsic are all the other Scions thieves I fought. There must have been 5 or 6 in my life time that came and gone. It is amazing how creative you get with that much experience with a situation. THIEFS!

The bird combo platter:
You three were a bunch of assholes. I cannot count how many times you multi-killed 7 to 8 times people in a span of an hour or two. Especially warriors. I understand "scion power kill" whatever but take a moment to feel empathy for the player behind the character you had just killed naked for the 8th time in an hour and a half. Asses, have some heart and feeling.

Good old pack. To be honest Sullivaum (sp) was fun to fight you. Many others were ok to fight you. Ok honestly before you lost your powers, it was just gross to fight you. Oh well. Good luck to you all. I'm glad they were changed, no offense. You are talking to someone who had a ranger from 21st rank to hero rank that never lost his wanted flag and never died in sylvan old school. Killing was just so easy.

Kooble: I loved our stand-offs at the gates. Who would make the first move. If you would be in tiger form and risk the angry backstab but have the pounce, or be the armadillo and be completely safe from me. When Meushen and I waded into town that one day, I was surprised you came, but very glad. It was a great fight. First and only time I killed an armadillo in armadillo form.

Rest of the Tribunal, sorry if I am forgetting people. You have a tough job.

Sorry, just fought all of you and never got to know you.

Good idea, terrible execution. Hope everything gets a little better for all of you.

Drucycus (sp):
I'm in a hurry so saying it quick. Good player, bad OOC personality. Same with me I guess heh. You were a very good shaman although Goapa never knew why in the hell you wanted to kill villagers. How it all began was I asked what you were doing out there and instantly you went into your spill about killing villagers and declaring war on the village and this and that. We had our fights, no deaths, no big deal. Hopefully you age-died by now.

Tiberianus (sp again sorry): Angry gnome flapping their wings.

Everyone else, speak up and I'll remember something about you. This is off the top of my head though.

This is an end of an era. I don't think I'll be returning to CF at all. I might still be around the forums but I'm guessing that will be less and less. Thanks everyone for a great 6 years. I know I learned a lot. Especially how to type fast and how to argue points. Who said games can't teach you anything eh?

Goapa or nevshemal@hotmail.com