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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectRE: (DEL) <None> Tiasharel the Master of War
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=4223&mesg_id=4224
4224, RE: (DEL) Tiasharel the Master of War
Posted by Tiasharel (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I debated with myself for sometime whether or not to even post an epitaph to him. Though he was fun character, I just got raped by the scions at the time. I guess that is what happens when you roll a goodie warrior at the same time that Scions are big time in power. Let's just say I can remember fighting sometimes three maybe four scions at once all by my lonesome and my trusty spear and staff. Not to mention the number of times that I got raped by the Viornsra disease...I kept catching it and never could get rid of it.

Anyways, I really enjoyed the hell out of this stuttering cat and I hope I didn't annoy to many of you or break character on him. I finally deleted when I figured that I was never going to get into Maran. I cannot tell you how many nights I stayed up late hoping to catch a glimpse of the elusive Shokai, never happened though. I did get to interact with a bunch of other immortals and those were all fun, though they never vised to me but my hats off to who ever I bantered with in the Eternal Star for about an hour, just wished I could have convinced you to serve milk...never happened though....and who ever that Immortal was that talked with me outside of Shokai's shrine...you gave me hope for a long time but eventually I lost it.

To those I hung out with often:

Faelmort - My favorite companion, man I enjoyed every minute of our times.

Nosilla - the gnomish killer of high regard, I always hated when you died. God, I felt so bad because of it. I always felt like I had let you down some how. I took great pride in the fact that I had perfected rescue and it always annoyed me when you would flee before I could rescue you and take the blows.

Angash and Agkkedia - I always thought of you guys as being synonimous (sp?) I rarely ever traveled with one you alone, it was always all three of us together. We had a lot of fun, Agkkedia did you ever figure out that quest? I never did.

Kahlemarie - Sorry, I never showed you how to get some cool felar gear, but I hope the hints gave you an idea where to look....take care kitten.

My bane of existence:

Viornsra - God, I don't know how you would do it, but you always found me at the worst or most innopportune time. I be fighting the felar chief, the felar shaman, the ranger ambassador, walking alone somewhere...and all of a sudden I get hit by a vulture. I used to take pride when I get an impalement in before I died the next round, don't think I ever lasted longer that two rounds...well I also enjoyed our few talks as well. By the way, I think you alone were responsible for me losing around 5 or 6 con.

Anyone else I foregot I am sorry.

Take Care
