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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectsilly shaman....
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=4127&mesg_id=4137
4137, silly shaman....
Posted by Kuhekeeh (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
sorry i kept on stealing from you, i just couldn't help myself. besides, my role was the perfect excuse to do it. my personal favorite time was when i robbed something or the other from you in the high lord's keep, you withered me, i jacked you, and grollaski had to break us up with a disperse. now THAT was friggin hilarious. sorry to see you go. i'm actually writing this the same day i wrote lokatin's...y'see i don't check the logs too often...yeah. in the 40's you were fun as hell to run with. and finally, i can't believe i survived that day either. was dumb luck that my wimpy kicked in when it did.