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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectRE: All good things must come to an end
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=4074&mesg_id=4092
4092, RE: All good things must come to an end
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have a lot to say about this character, but I'll try to keep it to the points others haven't touched on.

- What I really liked about your roleplay is that you took a fairly straightforward role and made it live and breathe. We get a lot of characters who seem to think that roleplaying is a contest to be the most unusual combination of things we'll allow. ("Ooh. I'll be the first Orc Tribunal Jullias-follower druid!") It's refreshing to see people who recognize the difference between novelty and caricature, and simply think up a fine role, and carry it out with vigor. Brotmin had lots of color, and made it look effortless.

- Another character who showed up and did his thing when times were good, and when times were bad. You fought hard, and made your foes earn every victory, and pay for any mistake. You (and one of your recent foes) did a fine job of showing people how a non-Battle warrior can still be potent at the hero ranks. You took a lot of deaths that you can chalk up to Sphere Courage, and you got a lot more tenacious with time.

- You were fun to watch age a little. The newer folk knew who Brotmin was, and it was cool to see you flexing the grizzled ol' veteran muscles.

- Thanks for the chats. I like people who just ask when they want to know what is going on, and state what they'd like to see. I think you found the IC flow of information accurate, and I hope we were responsive. There were a few times where we asked ourselves what we should get you as a reward, and the answer was always "I think Brotmin will need CON." :) I thought you got 4 total, but it might have been 3. There's probably more than a few bludgeoned people who wish we gave you a big pile of copper instead. :)

- I believe I owe you a posthumous favor. Being a lich of my word, send an email, and it'll happen.

From the pen of:
valguarnera@carrionfields.com">Valguarnera Trisseptia