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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectAll good things must come to an end
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=4074&mesg_id=4079
4079, All good things must come to an end
Posted by Brotmin (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, that last death wasn't how I expected it to be, but how often are things as we expect?

I held on by the slimmest of threads for a very long time, perhaps seeming cowardly, but I like to think giving alot right up to the end. I had a quite specific idea of what my character thought his place was, and fought hard for it. In the earlier part of Brotmin's life I was extremely reckless, bringing his con way down - but I got more careful in the later part. On top of that, he was way outnumbered most of the earlier time, and in the later actually got some support. Rot was rather nuts to try to deal with, though.

I had 6 con or less from late September until today. I also received con from Valguarnera twice, and once before this was to the point of "one death from con death."

Hopefully I added alot to the Chasm. Though some people complained that I didn't log on enough, I was on at least 10-15 hours a week, and often more. I lived to see many Chancellors, and many opponents. I wasn't the best of fighters, obviously, but I worked hard at getting things done.

On to the farewells. I apologize in advance to anyone I miss, Brotmin met way too many people for me to remember them all.

Battle: There were plenty of you I hated dealing with, though most were pretty respectable.

Loborguz: I'm sure you hated dying to me twice that last day I saw you. If you snapped my wrist, obviously you would have beaten me... but for once I had enough +str and some luck, and beat you. The other death, whatever plan you had didn't quite work. You called me a coward alot... however I was quite happy to walk around alone, as I'm sure you saw. I didn't flee as soon as you attacked, most times, but at least tried to win. If you made me drop my weapons, I ran... but what else would I have done? Brotmin found you damn tough, and respected that, but got annoyed with you expecting him to stay and die.

Meushen: You didn't much like me either. Not that we fought that many times. Brotmin respected your strength, anyhow.

Goapa: I don't know how you got off calling Brotmin a coward. He fought you alone plenty of times, and I don't recall him fleeing once when it was one-on-one, though you fled a bunch of times. Not that I would have expected you to stay, it was a bad matchup for you, but it certainly doesn't make Brotmin a coward.

Tobeldest: We had a few good fights. It was interesting talking with you, though Brotmin saw his place in the Chasm much differently than you saw it.

Vlornik: Your request made me decide I was going to watch you more closely, and ask a Chancellor to do the same... but you were a far cry from getting the position you asked for.

Dawn: You go across the spectrum from characters who never want to fight if they can avoid it, to a few pretty aggressive ones. The more peaceful among you I rarely had many dealings with, and found hard to talk with when I tried. Being peaceful simply made no sense to Brotmin.

Derexal: I hated your fiends, but you kept things interesting. We had a few amusing talks, and if you were around I always knew you'd make trouble sooner or later.

Entropy: Uh, there's Grollaski and... who?

Herald: I wasn't much of the type for sitting around in the Inn, so I didn't get to know any of you.

Maran: The paladins among you were incredibly tough for me to deal with, and plenty of you kept on fighting even when odds were bad, which was nice to see.

Faelmort: Damn you and your rot. I attacked you that last time in Galadon because I didn't want to see if you'd take a flag to rot me, when I knew rot would likely be final death. Least you kept trying though.

Johan: Always respected you fighting when the odds were bad, and we had a bunch of interesting fights. Unfortunate (for me) that you won more often than not.

Bidefahl: I really couldn't do much against you if we met solo, but I did try. Good fighting with you.

Selfren: You drove me nuts in the times when few Scions were ever around. I had to get to the point of dirting at the Archmage as my only defence against you. With that Stand, there was very little I could do.

Nexus: Didn't deal with alot of you, but that war did bring some interesting meetings.

Sielclavin: I wish we'd been able to talk more, you seemed interesting in what little talking we did.

Divox: Damn you, slippery gnome. *chuckle*

Scarab: Didn't get to know any of you, either.

Sylvan: I didn't deal with alot of you either, especially after powers got changed, but a few were around still.

Jugynheim: I hated fighting you those times I did. Especially with your grace, I really didn't have a chance. And when I tried to flee, your walls were sticky too.

Suilvanum: Where did you go? I (as a player) didn't much like it when you became leader, because I never much liked you before you became it, but I'm sure there was plenty of you I missed. Nonetheless, a leader auto-deleting is really bad.

Tribunal: I really didn't spend much time in protected cities, so I didn't get to know you very well.

Gorgan: That one encounter and conversation we had was... interesting. The oft-raiding got annoying, but there's nothing wrong with it, of course, OOC.

Warlock: I met tons of you, and had alot of good fights. Not alot of conversations, but those I did have were sometimes interesting.

Karithia: We fought each other for a long, long time. Keep at it.

Felgaire: I hate dealing with invokers who know what they're doing, unless I have invoker shields or other good support. You whooped me a few times when I met you alone.

And of course, Scion: I got to know quite alot of you, and was always ready for the call of the Chancellors, when I was off wandering alone. Brotmin didn't get nearly as much done with the Chasm as he hoped, but he did get a good bit done, I think. It was also really amusing all the "secret" information he was told by various people... he kept secrets well, too.

Ralemos: Thanks for giving me the place of Taskmaster. Was unfortunate that you got sick of it during the time I was away.

Iillien: Keep at it. We did amazing things, and I'm sure there's more to do.

Halisstra: We had an odd relationship, and didn't really talk much beyond combat and such. I was always happy to have you around, though.

Mobus: Be patient, and show up some more.

Llaiserius: While I really only knew you very, very late in Brotmin's life, you showed good things quickly. Keep it up.

Karnavex: It was good to see you Imm. It was always nice having someone around who knew what it had been like months ago, and you've done the Chasm proud.

Phaistus: I got so mad when you deleted. You had really interesting stuff going on, and you were great to have around. Together we could do almost anything.

Derseklaiet: Keep around. You do well, and what you talked about to me sounded good.

Bauui: I know how rough things are for you, but stick it out. I think you could turn out very well. I'll tell you now, Brotmin talked to several people about you, though he himself wouldn't have told you something like that.

Nywippshk: Where'd you go? You seemed quite competant, and we had a few interesting talks, and then I stopped seeing you.

Varaen: You're way, way too impatient. And Brotmin never really liked you. You were so arrogant, and then after that scroll was posted, you suddenly acted nice. Maybe that was the impression you wanted to give, but it's funny that you say you had so many spies... you didn't strike trustworthiness into me.

Immortals: I didn't deal with most of you directly, but I knew the work was going on in the background, and it was nice to be involved directly in developing Scions, rather than just wondering what was going on.

Valguarnera: Thanks tons for all the involvement in the quest, and listening to the various things I asked of you or suggested. Thanks also for the con, or I'd have been long dead.

To those of you who might have wondered why I didn't reply to any farewells, I was keeping a general policy of not posting at all under this name until the character died.

To those of you who might have wondered who else I had been, I also played Phinitz, among others.

Anyone who wants to talk further is welcome to email me at tralish@sympatico.ca.