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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectRE: (DEL) <SYLVAN> Paelnor the Ranger Hero
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=3754&mesg_id=3759
3759, RE: (DEL) Paelnor the Ranger Hero
Posted by Paelnor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The time had come. I lost interest in the character a little while ago. There was no drive to play, and I finally stopped pushing off ending it. Whenever I actually found time to play, I'd find myself on another character, who I had made over the summer for those unlengthable sessions, often being 15 minutes. To all those loved and lost...we had one hell of a time.
I did walk a fine line. I did things I shouldn't have. Feel free to make that blatantly obvious, everyone.
Any logs I'd also like to see, I only kept a few. They're how I learn, other than immediate evaluation.

Imms first!
Astein: You're an interesting god to mess with. I full heartedly did some things that I shouldn't have, but as per my role, I had to. Still uncertain about the time you transfered me. Did you return that to be nice, or because you were taking action upon mortal life that I (assume) you're not supposed to be.
Uller: I never asked for your tattoo, and maybe you frowned upon that. I'm not sure I ever deserved it either, but that part was on you. I was happy to get the tattoo, but I really always expected more in the way of talking to you and whatnot, but it wasn't happening.
Bria: Considered praying to you a few times, decided it best not to. Would have been awkward.
Valguarnerra: Hah, I know I bugged you, but I stopped after a while. You're keeping that cabal together. Good job.
Jugynheim and Saldradien: Good job, blah blah blah, you'll be cited as Sylvans.
Anyone who ever watched me: Hope you enjoyed the show, I know I did.

Scions: Not alot of you worth mention from my eyes. Daemelin, Lokilith, Hejduk, and Fomorious are among the few worthy. Hejduk and Fom, you're what I considered the top of the Anti Paladins. Tikar's axe may have been bigger, but that's only one part. To Fom in particular, you teleported into the same room as me. Good stuff. Kravidian is also noteworthy. Can't forget Kravvy.

Nexus: The rather empty cabal. Some interesting times back in the days of Bladjix, Bonjo, and crew. An odd cabal with very odd members.

Warlocks: I never once hunted outside your cabal, before or after it moved. Stop telling me not to hunt there, because I wasn't. Also, telling your cabal not to group with another cabal who isn't considered an enemy or off of your philosophy is just...strange. Because of that, I didn't get to spend much time with many of you. Beforehand though, good times.

Ragers: Interesting people and fun people before war. I liked Rio and a few others. To Tobeldest, I'm so very sorry. When I realised you didn't know why I had to kill you, I felt badly. When you made me do it again, I felt worse. Nerylana, good job not doing what you said, or thinking too hard. Lobs, you're an ass. People hate you, and I kept that out of character. Then you decided to bring it, and you won. Good job for you. Thanks for the 2 items back, though I partially deserved that treatment. The war is kinda silly, and wholey one-sided. That's pathetic. Enjoy raiding without opposition?

Tribunal: People worth mention include Gormarn, Fellicitinia, Dohmineh, Mundy, and Roussant. Gormarn, I think I ranked off of your guards until you could assist them. Also, I think I got a few (few...right) sylvans wanted for laying some pain on you while I abused your guards. Mundy, No, it was not my fault or incompetence. It was a random number equal to you. Fellicitinia, I never planned to attack you out of town. I felt bad about doing so as a player, and Paelnor saw keeping you off duty as much more useful than killing you and sending you back to town. Got to show you some wilderness, and you were nice to talk with. Woodelf != Gnome *snicker*. Dohmineh, that fight should have been much better, but I wasn't thinking at all at the time. Funny result though, no? Hah, I forgot Zieth. You were decent at what you did, and we had a nice little chat once I realised you were a tribunal, after we raided the chasm. Log on Dio's recently posted.

Herald/Troupe: Didn't talk much to you guys, except my ranger trouper friend whose name I can't recall.

Dawn: Don't attack me. Don't help others attack me. Also, thanks for saving me from oh so many deathtraps the week I went on my learn-the-traps athon. You were usually helpful. When you weren't, see Maran.

Maran/Wannabes: Don't attack me. Don't attack my group or cabalmates. You only had half the reason to do it. You also broke your words and came as 4 paladins and a healer. Empowerment is the exception, not the rule? That was the only time I ever had a problem with you folk. And yes, I did kill one of that crowd, the rest worded. Anyhow, Johan sticks out as the great Maran.

Arbiters/Empire: All chew toys. Except the ones that made me chew toys. I explain this

Sylvans: Oh so many, oh so long. I'll do what I can, but I can't promise everyones names.
Kiac, you pretty much were my ticket into sylvan. You were fun to talk to, and you were part of what I based my character upon. Been hella while.
Delanan: Thanks for inducting me, and saving my life the day you inducted me.
Rhycyn: You're good stuff. Why'd you vanish?
Harrington: You showed and helped me alot. Thanks forever. I often found myself saying "I wish Harrington was here"
Pikel: What happened to you?
Feirhuld: A damn fine player, fighter, roleplayer, etc. A friend to the end. You're the stuff that keeps the game fun.
Plyate: ZZZZZAP. You made a good captain and a good friend. Always good to have a bard with a ranger. Snare, sleep, start the ball.
Lythia: Woot woot. Woot? Woot. You were very fun. I missed you after you left. Woot woot.
Keneagh: Bah. You never gave it a chance. You were a decent guy though, when you stayed.
Ferrali: One pretty gal! Wait, he was my friend. She? Hah, it was a sexchange spell! I enjoyed our duels, and we were what we said.
Zivcnrak: Invokers are cool, you were cool, and it was fun. You could always be counted on for town killings.
Aliborni: Loner? No, come with me! We had some serious fun, and did some things that may be called 'wrong' You're good stuff.
Illvenristo: I didn't give it much thought when you started out, but when I realised that you knew what was going on, we did some cool stuff. Thanks for the hell trip, it was fun.
Dualit: Kizuuuuka! I liked you, and I tried to teach you what I could. I hope you got something out of it. Ever wrote that storytell alias? *laugh* Oh yea, and I got those gloves!
Sadrien: We never got that race in. You were really fun to be around, though we never finished that quest. Ah well.
Kareza: A decent ranger, and thanks for beating my ass that time. Still, I'm unsure why you did it, but whatever. Yes, there is a way to get that spear ;p
Cronin: Another Nivek great. I had no idea until I was informed. I enjoyed hunting with you, and playing around. Kiac Syndrome was reborn through us, and I had fun.
Vastineau: You were a good warder, but I didn't get to spend much time with you. I regret that.
Ezelhecil: A damn good friend and warder. Also a good lieutenant. We had good times and bad, and through it all, had fun.
Jugynheim: Whatever bad blood was between us, I never understood it. After that hell trip we seemed to be a bit closer, but I still didn't get it. I swear I should have killed you when you attacked me, and I intended to fight it out, but an observer told me to make it stop, so I did. Had they asked you, would you have stopped it?
Saldradien: Zzzzzap. We did all sorts of things, and I couldn't begin to write it all. You made it fun.
Charqua, Ruknon, and Ralicazin/Suilvanum: Keep the cabal going. It'd be a damn shame to let slip.

And the honor of my favorite applicant never made Sylvan?
Gellert: What happened? I won't ask my other question, for a script I once read said that it was an offensive one. You were fun to talk to, and inspired me for a while. You're good people, but you know that.

I learned a lot with this character, which wasn't really what it was meant to be. This was my first hero (perhaps obvious) and I think I picked up on things as time went on. I "levelsat" due to extremely annoying mob deaths. In the end, Paelnor was productive and fun, but I got tired of it at the end.
This deletion was pushed off for too long. That's right, it wasn't a rage deletion. Sorry Lobs, you're just not that important. Oh no, I died, that never happened before... I decided it was time, logged on to do what I could, and it wasn't enough, sadly. I also recognized that there was nobody to take my eq at the grove, and I was never one for leaving things on the ground or saccrificing. *shrug* I instinctively began to regear, at which point I realized that I was regearing. I tried one last thing (enchanting an imbued staff) which didn't work, said my last goodbye to Saldradien, and took off.
You'll see me around.

-Paelnor, ranger something something something.

P.S.(I have horrible memory, so for anyone I forgot, just post, and I'll reply)