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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(Rage Delete) (Wanted)[BATTLE] Varun K'Evar
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=37332&mesg_id=37332
37332, (Rage Delete) (Wanted)[BATTLE] Varun K'Evar
Posted by Varun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Yes its true, I have deleted, died, perished. What I did manage to do was fail utterly in every goal of this Character. Watching #### loads of people I'd fought with delete and realising I'd made little or no impact on them. The dude was a little gutter snipe from Arial city, wishing some day he'd grow up to be like his uncle pete and shady. Obviously born of a whore in Claires place of Pleasure. always seeking out new holes to gore or something! Heavily developed in the younger years. I had one last spin to try but it wasnt going any where pokes *Qaldeus*.

IMMS: Grurk - Thanks for the last name, I didnt approve of the situation I got it, but it was really cool.

An Immortal - Thanks for your time, you know who you are, I appreciated your time, and your candor, having that first chat
when I literally was being kicked out of the Library was great.

Ordasen - Bah Grumpy bear.

Kastellyn - Wish I'd seen you after I felt I'd proved myself, the Primary goal of this character I guess was to try and get some Kastellyn Love. I figured the length of time I played him I was bound to see you again.

BATTLE : Firstly Iborenn, I didnt speak to anyone previous to you, but I knew those other fellows had been booted so I figured you would accept my word on the Requirements. This character wasnt designed to be a villager, Started out as a mercenary, travelling for the most part alone. This lead to Alot of ganks in my younger years and in general. It also shaped the character giving him a nice broad sense of purpose. Slay mages, Slay Thieves, Slay Dwarves.
I really enjoyed Iborenn, its so good to have competent back up, and the times we would go eq hunting were an abject break from the hunting/raiding, even if you did Insist on bringing along dwarves.
I loved the three man party going into Drow City, Pimping Dern, the First house, and the two cavefishers and Displacer beasts.
As a leader you didnt log much, but you seemed to be around when I was so I figured I was just missing you. In our duels I couldnt see a way to beat the dreaded Hand to Hand spec. I'm sure I will figure that one out one day, it wasnt with this character however.

Dralkoz - I loved your style, the whole dagger whip thing was great, I wanted to try it with a defender, worked well enough, I think I got about 5 pks. You would bust out some awesome ####, I never found whip spec skills to be of much use, choke I think and Entwine. We had a few brusque encounters especially over Vhloughveng, otherwise I liked the char, shame you sort of vanished, then again, I suppose it looked the same with me.

Tuggluk : You reminded me of that one villager who always trys hard and seems to get his chops busted real quick. Having said that Tuggluk was worthy of a con death and I'm disappointed you deleted, you had a good combo going for a while. I guess its hypocritical of me to call foul as I too deleted. I still found you to be a solid character stomping on the magi.

Alidliril : We were on at the same time alot and yet never really got it on with anything, occasionally we would do something together but nothing that sticks in my mind. Spear / Dagger nice choice, I wonder what legacies you had.

Alathin : We worked well together, and I was amazed at how much you were bashed, tripped and spanked, I guess I'm the only one that thinks acrobatics fits the the Jester/Juggler/Stage Performer class more. I think to play a battle bard best you need to be sneaky, have a great connection and always engage last. hehehe good luck with that.

Vhloughveng (I know you werent battle) : I've never seen a character so ####ed over by lack of induction. You were an app before I was, you fought a hard path and were still racking up the mage kills despite no detects or spell bane. Sure in the end you turned away from the path and frankly I cant blame you. It just seemed your times never hooked up with Iborenn's or Something would of been great to have more duergar in the village. You certainly had more than enough balls and heart.

Huidnro : We didnt really travel often, I was glad of your presence when it was raid time. Nothing ####s out damage like a giant warrior.

Glaurthran : I think you should of been made leader after you beat Iborenn , seriously whats the point of having the circle if people wont abide by it? It was great having you along, I dont think Varun deserved the Con Death, Glaurthran more than earned a place on the Pillar.

Karashin Dur-Hart : You always bitch about how much you suck, very humble of you. You are death on wheels with a village warrior, even if you do all your work before hero, maybe thats the way I should play. Just love those hero pk fights though :-) One player I'd like to be along side in future. Shame you deleted, I recall you had your reasons.

Jurt : Wow a g-nome, I love gnome battle ragers, ever since Wakachaka ####ed me up naked in a legacy quest. They are great. I held onto your chipped stone for four or five days waiting to see you to give it back then I died about an hour before you logged in. I was like ####. Hehehe later I found how easy it was to get, I didnt feel so bad.

Yintrik : Storm giants and Evil arials do not mix :-) I tried but you played to character very well.

Romasurn/Bggarr : This giant greets you. Great Role Play from both of you, I figure if I hadnt of had such sketchy login times we'd of had some more fun together, I think you never really ranked much because no one could ever see you (Rom). Sometimes I'd be logged in for three hours and you'd say something, and I'd be like #### I'm not alone (Bgg). Eheheh good times

Khard : An actual dwarf Varun 'liked' I dunno if liked is to strong a word, but certainly tolerated and probably enough to get drunk with, I personally love dwarven villagers, so it was so bad the wanting to erradicate the race. Loved the forge craft.

Arrazn : Thanks for the gold and the rec *wink* It was great that your worked to get back in despite the slagging you might get for being russian I liked you, liked your char. I guess all your ####ups were before my time, all I saw was good village.

Acaga : Pure Rager Beast.

Yuyua : It irks me to say it Graatch but we always seem to end up in a sort of dynamic duo. I loved our ranking sessions, and if it wasnt for your style of play I doubt I'd of got that funky last name. In fact I think *stabs himself in the leg* you even make ranking fun. I almost died laughing when you got Urog on eastern road, I didnt see the fight but I could just imagine a death blow pugil from a divine staff.

Senloec : Ahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahah sorry, you were new. I think I might have ganked someone with you, but it happened so fast between ranking, I didnt even see it. Most important thing you should be aware of is Fists of lighting are something stupid like 13lbs. If your going to be a dagger spec something between 2-4lbs is your friend. I kep the gold seal pipe shiznitz until the very end.

Vershelt : Hot damn, every time I went any where with you I got pimped :-( Oh well I guess it was me that was sucking.

Ghrulkur? : I liked you, some decent RP, Really wish I'd thrown up resi for that duel, but I was like HEH he must just hit really hard ehehehehehehehe, oh well, wouldnt do to make you look bad in front of the the POON TANG.

I think thats all the villagers Yup Yup.

Oh wait Gerylanst : One day I log on and I see you, I am like YES!! an Alathin replacement, the Next time I see you, you are a Veteran. Then after you drug me and lock my hut door you become Commander? Fantasticlly consistant, and asset to the village, bash bash bash!
I loved every minute we spent together it was great to have that kind of competence around me again. With villagers you usually have some fav last stand moments. But Varun didnt generate that kind of damage, and yet we managed to pull a few strange ones, lastly being Asfas. But It seemed like I was pulling your ass out of the fire alot, which I loved doing. However I always seemed to end up with the pointy end of the sword when it came to my getaways. Oh well. It was Great


Muuloc : Wow, just wow, you dont see much counter raiding as a villager, but when Scions turn up with an Eight man army. And a Hero shaman who can solo the destructor, you know your day has come. Not even my fabled pot of Baxters could save me that day.

Dreaa : I tried to fight you alot, it didnt happen often.

Restraal : As close as I almost had you, No pets, No Walkers, and I miss a god damn entwine, that #### was perfected too :-( Still I'm sure you'd of found a way.

Granaak : Pretty sure you pimped me out.

Akscerah?: dont think we ever fought, the disappointing thing about raiding scions is that no one ever turns up to defend, MUAHAHAHHA maybe thats because there wasnt anyone in the cabal.

Ounylee? : That little duergar thief, i didnt really understand what was going on there, you used to be a scion. Hooked up with a villager. Awesome. Doesnt that make you a traitor ? (CHOP CHOP)

Hratikit : Wow I never understood your animosity to this character Abernyte. A Villager attacks and Kills you, Leaves your Unholy and all your gear. This makes him an ass? WTF?? I wish I'd gotten you that second time but after the first you had your plan sorted. Run. Hope you try another felar with the recent changes.

Hedda : Damn you were tough as old boots. tasted the same too.

Hylondin : Oh how I hate the Invoker, more so the scion invoker ehehe god damn.

Empire :

Shanta : Oh how I hate thieves, Luckily you petered out before you became to much of a problem for me, But you sure gave the elders at the time a headache. Thieves in general lead to me never having stuff in my inv and mostly looking for Bracelets of Charms (tm) Which I consider slightly unragerly but as I've never seen anyone bitched at I'll take the + 4 dam until someone is bitched at.

Izuaki : Summoned, Slept, Three angry villagers arrive, all Imperials fled or dead, Wake up fights over :-( And then I think there was a time in balator where you pimped me out.

Growlow : eheheheh Soren playing a warrior. damn I wish I had the chance to pimp you out, Maybe I did, I dont recall.

Skolgrar : I loved fighting you, I knew you would bring it. sometimes with more sucess than others, fighting you started a spiral of warrior killing that lead me down a dark path indeed.

Vinson : For when you were around, empire was strong. Healers do that I guess. Empire really needs a bad ass healer now EHEHEHEHEHEHEHEH

Nievar : Another bastard thief. Seems like all you need to do in empire to get sweet stuff is live.

Uoukueal : Think I was the only one who didnt manage to get a kill on you. Talk about playing it to the bone and then some, Amazing.

Tirnath : Oh how I hate to fight the duergar Sword spec, Especially ones with whip spec and balance + healer, they make Baby Jesus cry :-(

Sdradiga : Hrrmn a skilled prepping bard, Bugger.

Gvan : Hrrmn, every time I went to Imperial lands recently It was death. ####. Well nice kill(s)? Stupid shamans!


Agaeobob : How the villager hates to fight the communer. I hated Dwarves from level 20 or so. As I clawed my way up the ranks my hatred did not diminish. We had alot of battles none of them really ending in death, I think you got me near Akan when i was regearing. Often I'd bounce between Imperials and Marans like you all had trouble deciding who would finish me. I loved to hate this dwarf, well played solid RP.

Shisi : I think I got you with a bunch of merchants but I cant recall clearly. I certainly thought you were a good invoker. Luckily my defender secret was safe. Well played.

Naref : I was secretly happy when Agaeobob vanished. Imagine my Horror at Narefs apperance? another tough bastard to fight, I keep telling myself over and over that I am never going to play an evil villager again. But I still do it, makes life so much more spicey. Eehehehehehe well played, shame you deleted.

Wungar : Wow for a while you had my respect but in the end the frustration was getting to you, you started to bring friends. You used to bitch at me for hiding in the village. Mostly I dont want to be in the open any where, Mostly I want to be killing mages. I made tons of exceptions for you, because you were a dwarf. Again well played, you managed to raise my Ire.

Sydrian : Well your pking sure has improved over the years, I nearly choked when i saw who the player was. That one time you did get me, PURE JAM!!!! Wungar had softened me up I tell you, Dieing to an Elf Axe spec - You better believe I rage deleted back then. Came back and Whooped your ass!

Kelin : Bah I had a bad ass plan to take you down a peg or two. What can I say? The best laid plans of Mice and Men often go astray. Nice kill.

Iramath : I dont recall us winning I'm sure if we did you would of defeated me. *ponders*

Ichtaen : You hit bloody hard for an Arial, i was figuring I could stand up to you toe to toe but you just seemed to match up better than me. *boggles*

Heas : Ehehehehe you got me a couple of times thats true, Pretty sure I got you once. The entwine thing was funny, I figured it was an unlucky tick. Annoyed I didnt get you that time in Voralion city when i was chasing you with axes. Thats life though. Well played you stunty bastard.

Ginharq : Ahaha you cracked me up. The shady things you would do to try and slay me. I think in the end I got you two or three times. The one time on eastern. heheh my connection is so slow. I was like GREAT! a mage! There were so many factors, scions, forties and poor Vhlough getting a pounding.

Nimelerion : Bah you tried to gank me once, Next time Bash not dirt! Or some other lagging move. You sure died fast, must of had heart!

Kristin : Grrrr see Ginharq, Sneaky, Deceptive goodies of the Maran ilk! I love it.


Thays : I liked what I saw of you.

Cathoria : Legendary. Always wanted to duel you, pretty sure you'd of won. Sweet set up you had.

Norkie : Norkie ! NORKIE!!!!! HEheheheheheh the time on the mount with you and the Bard, ranking away and some shifter dive bombs me. An outlander and you are both like eheh we much prefer you. That was pure classic. I liked Norkie wanted to Duel dem.

Karrel : I liked you most of all the Outlander. You were competent enough even if you didnt know about all the phat loot gear you could get as a druid. Ranking from 39-40 in Whitecloaks was one of the high lights of this character between you and the Graatchman the atmosphere was just perfect.

Drahke : Mage Breaker, I liked those little touches, the whole concept revolving around and issuing from Drahkes perception of the world. We didnt get to group but I'm sure it would of been havoc if we had.

Jaein : Very very well RP'd. I loved this character they made me want to dance. Dance Stab, Dance Stab Stab Stab. Great, Groovy Even.

Aesrira : Gorgeously well played. I may have ganked you a couple of times, but You had such a good set of forms that it was hard to engineer situations where you might die in a one on one. Well played. I loved the RP angle, and basically I was tamed towards Outlanders in general after my little talks with Jaeinn.


Karzalynn : We ranked once in Azuremain then you didnt rank again, ever eheheheheheheh.

Tribunal :

Agantas : You sure did like to fight it to the end, Like myself however we need to realise there is a fine line between Bravery and Stupidity :-)

Klendalstak : Beastly :-(

Lora : Not so Beastly :-P I'm sure you got me but I had your card so many times, If I could just of played it.

Vargblot : I wasnt bothered by you, In fact I kicked your ass a few times. Sadly you got Vindy and I was screwed. Well played, A prepped warrior really can tear a defender a new ass hole :-)

Mela : I didnt get your character.

Malzhaalohn : I had you silenced and entwined at your own alter. The silence wears off, you word and walk away. I was just like, ####. If you are fighting in the room they recall too, you should be fighting when the magically teleport three steps to the left. Grrrrr. Never got close to getting you again.

Brumbalin : Bah I so wanted to fight a staff specced dwarf, Little did I know.....

Tasild : Heh, Nice way to pick up kills. Never saw you fight solo once, did see a lot of you and other people, but if it works Awesome.

Tolchec : I couldnt beat you, I tried everything in my arsenal. I continue to bitch about Hand to hand ehehehe. I think I came close once, but with the Assassin there, I couldnt tell if he would be there or not, and your lagging timing being so good + polearm. I couldnt bring you down. Well played.

Uncaballed :

Galmond : I really enjoyed what RP you showed me, I feel like I might of gotten to like you. It was pure classic when you wasted me I was thinking, I shouldnt try leaving the wastes like this, NAH I'll make it! Three steps from the village and I hit -1 mvs and then you arrive. I was just like ####! We had some good banter after that, I was sad to see you deleted, very sad.

Androkin : What an awesome character, I loved the whole concept and wanted to see you take it further. I'm thinking if that role ever gets dusted off again its got to be an Elven leader of Herald. You might get less custom but you will live a whole lot longer. Incidently whats the infinite ammo cheat with the Lawbringer wand?

Xomaril : You dirty dirty little ####. Firstly I asked if you would come and defend the giant. You were like Yes but it will take awhile. FINE if you hadnt of said Yes I wouldnt of given a ####. Then you dont come, I go for a walk and notice you ranking in the underdark with a couple of mages. If you werent comming you shouldnt of given your word that you would. It wasnt your fight, is all you had to say. So I slew you in Galadon like the dog you were, you might have been watching the 'Letterman' Show or what ever, there was nothing you could of done in the fight but run like ####. I was playing from some shop at $5 an hour the thirty seconds it took to ruin your day was worth it.

Ubivec : Hehehe I think I caught you near death with your pants down. Conjies are so hard to kill sometimes :-)

Raja : God damn you never had any daggers to trade for! Ever!

Brelinak : I ####ing hated you with a passion, I'd log on, not see you, spend an hour or two not seeing you, Notice you once, check my inventory and all my good daggers would be gone. Its like if you died you were like ah DAGGER loot get him!!!

Kcedjjedi : God damn I hate being Assassinated, Normally I can avoid it by simply ranking to hero. These days that isnt so much of an option I think I was taken out by assassination five or six times. The time Heas choked me was pure classic, whether that was you or Tasild I never did find out, but I sure as #### made sure you had that 250 gold. After that you were quite an agreeable chap. Well played.

Lycandraev : Curious fellow, you bitching about my super rager powers was very funny, especially having seen what you did to zerkers and other ragers of all races. I think it was always going to be a stand off. I dunno.

Well if you didnt find yourself on that list and you think you should be, post a wee note and I will see if I remember. Any logs or Stories are also welcome :-)
