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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectThe end finally came.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=3537&mesg_id=3540
3540, The end finally came.
Posted by Hejduk (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, today I died three times, and with only one death left I decided not to let those goodie goodies get the pleasure out of my final death. Even if I were able to survive, when I would have turned old, my life would have come to an end (I also couldn't bear not knowning when the time was to come). This has been one of my favorite characters, but all good things must come to an end sometime.

Hejduk the Other Anti-Hero
Level : 51 Sex : male Race : fire
Ethos : Lawful Align : Evil Class : anti-paladin
Practices: 0 Trains : 0 Hometown : Hamsah Mu'tazz
Exp : 681086 Sphere : Death
Age : middle-aged, 427 years old (442 hours)
Hit Point: 381 /852 Mana : 421 /627 Move : 591 /591
Str : 25(25) Int : 15(15) Wis : 17(17)
Dex : 16(16) Con : 4 (8 ) Chr : 11(13)
Carry # : 22/29 Weight : 330 lb 0 oz (Max 627 lbs)
Gold : 15 Silver : 550 Copper : 41055
Wimpy : 0 hp Morale : Moderate Position : Standing
Hitroll : 28 Damroll : 40
AC pierce: -76 Superbly armored AC bash : -86 Superbly armored
AC slash : -83 Superbly armored AC magic : -59 Heavily armored
vs Spell : Somewhat protected vs Paralysis : Barely protected
vs Breath: Barely protected vs Petrification: Not protected
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 63 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 63 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 43 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 19 hours.

Quick rant,
Just kidding, you probally all know that I feel that paladins are overpowered (especially maran ones).

Now that's over with, my farewells.

Damn guys, had a blast with all you. I know I'll won't remember some of you so don't feel bad, I'm apologizing now.

Valguarnera - Thanks for inducting me, just so you know I was also Monstae, if you remember the gnome tranny in masters who was your sidekick during your mortal life. Just wondering what I ever did to earn that horrid title you bestowed upon me (made me feel like a chump).
Zulghinlour - For some reason I think you're the one who gave me that title, but I won't hold it against you. I'm very curious to know if there is another control after defilement... I know all the imms are really busy, but I wish you would interact a little bit more with the scions (I want to go on the record saying I do appreciate everything you do for the mud, like checking on those other characters for me so quick.)
Daemelin - Had a blast interacting with you, you really kicked ass. I appreciate everything you did for me.
Reddyn - The worst mortal lich I ever travelled with. *wink* also the only one. Whenever you were around we kicked everyones ass.
Brotmin - I just wish i could have seen you once more before my final day, you are a beast!
Lokilith - Har har you little stinker... that day in arboria when you tricked me into thinking my axe was actually speaking to me (I figured it out later when I reviewed the log and saw the 'someone makes a thousand damn souls say'- musta been too stoned to notice it at the time). Your roleplaying is really a step above most everyone.
Iillien - Wish I had more life to continue our war, but I did what I could. Don't worry about your forms so much, if you roleplay well and make a good chancellor Val and Zulg will take care of you.
Korezxemp - Didn't know you too well, but I did enjoy your company.
Karnavex - You have the character I always wanted to try but I just don't have the patience to make one. Hope you rot all those friggin maran paladins until their dicks fall off for good.
All the necro's who died to the elixir - you all suck. *laugh* j/k I know its hard as hell to become a lich.

Scarab -
Not many worth mentioning because their numbers are so small.
Drucyrus - You were one bad ass, we didn't interact too much but when we did travel together those lightwalkers were in trouble.

Entropy -
Didn't really know any of you, at the beginning of my life I decided to hate all entropists cause I was lawful, but towards the end my chaotic side caught up with me.

Tribunals -
I never had any tribunal friends, mostly because you are all pussies who run to town every time you sense the slightest danger.

Nexus -
Sometimes a pain in the ass, sometimes useful. I just wish that there was a way to make it so the moderator knows who is in power and who isn't, just going by pure numbers and rank doesn't mean ##### in the real game.

Fortress -
You can all get on your knees and smile like a doughnut for me because I can't stand any of you.

A few other characters of mine were Monstae, Bynote, Bonjo, Arkaine, Devlel, Arkisto, Arkyster. I'll be back, enjoy the fields, and please don't take the imms for granite.

Peace out.