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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectYou're being deliberately obtuse.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=34320&mesg_id=34403
34403, You're being deliberately obtuse.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Being Emperor and age dying have nothing at all to do with being a casual player or not being a casual player.

>Your attitude is bad for cf. If we as a player base hold
>people to a standard of a minimum os lets say 20 hours a week,
>thats a ####ing second job, time wise.

I don't give a #### what people do with their log in times, if they don't want to join a cabal. Cabals require extra effort, and yes, extra time. It's not a free ride. You get powers and things as a reward for effort. I just don't see any effort from someone who cherry picks his login times, and when he IS on, is unavailable better than half the time.

>Not only that, but it would take 33 weeks to play as much as
>Kelin did, playing 20 huors a week, and age die. 33 weeks.
>Thats a long time.

Yes, 33 weeks IS a long time to have a character. You've just made my point for me.

>People allready complain about cf being too workish with out
>getting pissed at other players for not playing 20-30-40 hours
>a week.

Nobody would care, if he wasn't in a cabal. When you join a cabal, you ARE putting in for extra effort. if you can't handle it, then don't join a cabal, it's simple. Nobody is saying "All players must put in x number of hours" but if you are going to be a part of a cabal, then you ought to not only be on a fair bit, but be available to your cabal when you are on. Why are you too stupid to grasp the concept?

>I'm done posting about this, but I think maybe you need to
>find a new hobby if you consider 660 hours dedicated to
>ANYTHING not enough.

And still the point soars over your head. Sad.

>Thats 27.5 days dude. A ####ing MONTH of his life.
>Think about it.
And how many of those hours were spent off somewhere totally unreachable by anyone, safe as houses and not interacting with anyone? CF is a roleplaying game, and if you avoid other players for excessive amounts of time, how much roleplaying can you really be doing? How much do you deserve the powers that come with being in a cabal, when you constantly shirk the responsibilities that come with it? Joining a cabal isn't nor should it ever be, a free ride. If you don't agree with me thats cool, but you now have *3* cabal leaders Kelin dealt with all saying he wasn't available enough, as well as several of his other cabalmates, and yet you chose only to talk #### to me. Funny how that works. Multiple people agree on something, and yet I'm the only one who is wrong.

You're an idiot.