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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectKelin......
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=34320&mesg_id=34374
34374, Kelin......
Posted by Blobqirt. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>While other maran "leaders" are dying left and right, Golron, Celebrimbor, Naraf, Heas, ect., ect....(A lot of newbie leaders of late)....Kelin usually keeps his sick set and doesnt run into death traps or make stupid mistakes.

First of all your remark about me and those other leaders dying alot and implying it is because we are newbies is really silly.

The majority of my hundred + deaths were not because I made mistakes or screwed up. The way I played Golron was as an all or nothing type of guy. I have a few logs of me taunting the giant imperial groups after they have raided, and thus getting 1 - 2 rounded. I was not the type of char to back down from something like that. When all the other people were saying "No, its folley to even try" I would go and I would do my damnedest to get it done, granted it would get me killed, but to be honest, with dwarf con and leader con I really couldn't give a monkey's left nut.

You comment about Kelin keeping his set is true. Because from everything I saw he was never online much and thus had very limited chances to lose it. But when I started as Marshall we weren't able to induct because we had too many squires, and with Kelin almost never logging in he was taking up a spot that someone who is around alot more could have had.

>I think there is just alot of sour grapes from Maran ex's who have a history of getting owned and owned bad by Scion and Empire....

As I said, deaths really didn't matter to me. I was given extra con, leader con and had dwarf con and I still con died so you can imagine the amount of gear I got through. Gear really didn't mean much to Golron and so you implying I have sour grapes because of getting owned by empire and scion is really quiet funny.

No for my constructive comments. Kelin, when you were around I liked having you around, but you would log in way too infrequently for my likings. To an extent I agree with Vlad in that it doesn't matter if you feel you deserve a position, if your not there to actually fill it anywhere near as much as you should be then it really is just taking the spot from someone else. I can fully understand how your life can affect and limit your playing times as I have recently started working full time and am also waiting for Uni to start up again, but even so when I get into a cabal I do my damndest to be around as much as possible, and if I don't feel I am doing justice to anyone or being fair, then I step down or delete.

Don't take that as a shot at you, I don't mean for it to be agressive or sound angry. Luck with your next and whatever you make.
