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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectRE: Something Silly
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=31098&mesg_id=31188
31188, RE: Something Silly
Posted by Alessa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm still not prepared for this goodbye. You know, writer's block and all. That's why I've put it off, but if I wait too long, I might make you sad, so here goes nothing.

Like you said, I will have wait until Ansrtril becomes a permanent part of The Wall before I say most of what I want. But suffice it to say that Ansrtril was the most influential character I've met in my entire CF experience. Half of what I had originally intended to accomplish as Alessa came after Ansrtril and Alessa became close (it only took 400 hours....).

I hope I did inspire you some, because you certainly inspired me. I liked the mutual respect, and the give-and-take the we had. From both and IC and OOC perspective, I was amazed at not only the quality of what you produced (writing, painting), but the quantity. Everything was good, and you managed piece after piece. One of the first real chats we had was a turning point for Alessa, especially as the book was concerned, and for that Alessa (and I) will be ever greatful.

There's too much more, but it will have to wait. I hope you find your way to one of those empty podiums. You deserve it. It's almost sad not being able to log on and interact with you, but I'm sure we'll meet again. Keep it up. :)

Oh, and I'll try to finish what I started for Eshval. It's an idea I've had sitting around since my last char, and I'd really like to finish it. You can always toss me a line at cfherald@yahoo.com if you've got anything nifty to share.