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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectPeace treaty vrs. Active alliance
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=28551&mesg_id=29191
29191, Peace treaty vrs. Active alliance
Posted by Alarian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I'm not talking about evils being in the cabal, or enforcing
>the law. That particular horse is dead. I am talking about the
>active treaty that was between the Imperials and the Tribunals
>for so long. For a paladin to join, knowing that the group
>they want to work with is allied that closely with an evil
>organization bent on taking over the world, is just something
>that is totally out there for me.

I don't see Imperials and Tribunals as "allied" at all, more like "at peace with each other". Now when we had that short tiff with the scions, I saw us as more allied with the fortress, actually.

>The evils in the cabal are one thing, but the treaty with the
>Imperials is another. And you can argue "it's dead" now all
>you like, but the fact remains, paladins joined up, knowing
>about the treaty before hand. I just don't see this as
>something a real paladin would do.

Activly raiding and PKing with each other, yeah, I'd agree. Simply not attacking other, being at peace with each other, not really.

I know IC, I turned down an offer to kill a criminal with an Imperial while the crim was blackjacked outside of the SE gate in Tar Valon with a buddy guarding him.

Another day, outlanders had out item and the codex. There were enough imperials AND tribunals to take it back, but not enough for a solo raid. IC, the thought of raiding with the Empire never occurred to Alarian, though I knew we would of succeeded.

Now when we'd raid scions, I'd ask fortress guys to help raid and kill scion crims, would group with them, and we even killed an Imperial that was trailing/annoying us.

That to me is an alliance, and I've never worked with Imperials like that. I can't speak for the evil/neutral tribs, but from what I hear IC most of them don't trust Imperials either.

>I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this point. (I
>find myself using that term so much lately instead of the
>"#### you bitch, I am right" of old. Wonder if I'm getting
>soft in my old age.)

Nah, it's called maturity. :D