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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectAgainst Drudental
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=28783&mesg_id=28798
28798, Against Drudental
Posted by Jinroh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Drudental yells 'Help! Jinroh hurled a dagger at me!'

Drudental can no longer find the strength to wield a jeweled broadsword.
You hurl a throwing dagger at Drudental striking her square in the chest!
Your hurled dagger mauls Drudental.
Drudental parries your brilliant radiance.
Drudental dodges your brilliant radiance.
Drudental dodges your brilliant radiance.
Drudental's slash mauls you.
Drudental's slash decimates you!
Drudental has a few scratches.

<1004hp 358m 747mv 18917tnl Time:3 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> art
Drudental parries your brilliant radiance and returns an attack of her own.
Drudental's slash mauls you.
Drudental dodges your brilliant radiance.
You parry Drudental's slash.
You parry Drudental's slash.
Drudental has a few scratches.

<983hp 358m 747mv 18917tnl Time:3 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> art
You thrust your dagger towards Drudental, attempting
to sever her artery!
Drudental's artery begins pumping out bright red bursts of blood!
Drudental can no longer find the strength to wield a jeweled broadsword.
Your deep gash MANGLES Drudental!
Drudental has some small but disgusting cuts.

<983hp 358m 747mv 18917tnl Time:3 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized>
Drudental dodges your brilliant radiance.
Drudental dodges your slice.
Drudental dodges your brilliant radiance.
You parry Drudental's punch.
You parry Drudental's punch.
You dodge Drudental's punch.
Drudental has some small but disgusting cuts.

<983hp 358m 747mv 18917tnl Time:3 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> stab
You lunge at Drudental and stab her with your
Your stab *** DEVASTATES *** Drudental!
Drudental's struggling prevents you from twisting your dagger any deeper.
Drudental is covered with bleeding wounds.

<983hp 358m 747mv 18917tnl Time:3 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized>
Drudental disarms you with her bare hands and sends a serrated dagger named 'Bloody Courage' flying!
Drudental is covered with bleeding wounds.

<983hp 358m 747mv 18917tnl Time:3 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized>
Strozz looks at Drudental.
Drudental is covered with bleeding wounds.

<983hp 358m 747mv 18917tnl Time:3 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized>
Sevellian has arrived.
Drudental parries your punch.
Drudental dodges your slice.
Drudental parries your punch.
Drudental dodges your slice.
You parry Drudental's punch.
Drudental is covered with bleeding wounds.

<983hp 358m 747mv 18917tnl Time:3 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> take 1.
wield 1.

Drudental dodges your punch.
Drudental dodges your slice.
Drudental dodges your punch.
You dodge Drudental's punch.
You dodge Drudental's punch.
Drudental is covered with bleeding wounds.

<983hp 358m 747mv 18917tnl Time:3 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> stabYou get a serrated dagger named 'Bloody Courage'.
Drudental is covered with bleeding wounds.

<983hp 358m 747mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> stab
You wield a serrated dagger named 'Bloody Courage'.
A serrated dagger named 'Bloody Courage' feels like a part of you!
Drudental is covered with bleeding wounds.

<983hp 358m 747mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> You lunge at Drudental and stab her with your
Your stab *** DEVASTATES *** Drudental!
A spray of blood erupts from Drudental's stab wound!
Drudental's struggling prevents you from twisting your dagger any deeper.
Drudental is covered with bleeding wounds.

<983hp 358m 747mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized>
Drudental gets a wild look in her eyes.
Drudental is covered with bleeding wounds.

<983hp 358m 747mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized>
Drudental dodges your brilliant radiance.
Drudental dodges your slice.
Drudental dodges your slice.
You parry Drudental's punch.
You parry Drudental's punch.
You parry Drudental's punch.
Drudental's punch mauls you.
Drudental is covered with bleeding wounds.

<960hp 358m 747mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized>
Vargal tells you 'I understand the meaning, aye.'
Drudental is covered with bleeding wounds.

<960hp 358m 747mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized>
A lithe shadowcat looks at Drudental.
Drudental is covered with bleeding wounds.

<960hp 358m 747mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized>
Sevellian looks at Drudental.
Drudental is covered with bleeding wounds.

<960hp 358m 747mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized>
Strozz steps out of the shadows.
Drudental is covered with bleeding wounds.

<960hp 358m 747mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized>
Drudental dodges your brilliant radiance.
Drudental dodges your slice.
You dodge Drudental's punch and close in for a concealed attack!
Your brilliant radiance MANGLES Drudental!
You parry Drudental's punch.
You parry Drudental's punch.
Drudental is covered with bleeding wounds.

<960hp 358m 747mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> fle

Drudental continues to bleed from her wounds.
Drudental's bleeding EVISCERATES her!
Drudental continues to bleed from her wounds.
Drudental's bleeding artery DISMEMBERS her!
Drudental is gushing blood.

<970hp 367m 798mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> fle
The Western Market Square

Sitting cross-legged in the dirt, an ascetic sits here muttering prayers.
A woman dressed in crushed velvet stands here singing a prayer.
A woman dressed in skins and feathers stands here quietly.
A lost child wanders around here, crying.
You flee from combat!

<970hp 367m 796mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> n
tThe Northwestern Market Square

A large pool of fresh blood has been trampled somewhat by the passage of many feet.
(Hide) (Translucent) On silent feet a translucent cat lingers here in the shadows.
Sevellian is here.
Strozz is here.
Drudental is here.
A nomad trader walks the city streets.
A nomad trader walks the city streets.
A nomad trader walks the city streets.
Zindani practices his forms here.
Tied to a hitch, a camel stands here, spitting into the crowd.

<970hp 367m 794mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> tt
A lithe shadowcat looks at you.

<970hp 367m 794mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> You swing a serrated dagger named 'Bloody Courage'
in a sweeping blow to Drudental's hamstring!
Your hamstring slice *** DEVASTATES *** Drudental!
You fail to get in one more shot as Drudental flees.
Drudental leaves west.
Drudental has fled!

<970hp 367m 794mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> where

Sevellian leaves west.

<970hp 367m 794mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> where pk

Rasplor tells you 'you teach em that kind of honor..what kind of leader are ya?'
Drudental has arrived.

<970hp 367m 794mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized>
Drudental leaves east.

<970hp 367m 794mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized>
Sevellian has arrived.

<970hp 367m 794mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> e
reply Moment killPeople near you:
Sevellian The Northwestern Market Square
Dicierki The Royal Society of Assassins
Strozz The Northwestern Market Square
Qadira The High Altar of the Great Temple
(PK) Jinroh The Northwestern Market Square
(PK) Drudental Yasir Row

<970hp 367m 794mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> reply Moment killPeople near you:
(PK) Jinroh The Northwestern Market Square
(PK) Drudental Yasir Row

<970hp 367m 794mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> reply Moment killingThe Northern Market Square

A merchant stands amidst a pile of hemp rugs, selling his wares.
A perfumed woman dressed in a revealing shift eyes the crowd.
Tied to a hitch, a camel stands here, spitting into the crowd.
Tied to a hitch, a camel stands here, spitting into the crowd.
Tied to a hitch, a camel stands here, spitting into the crowd.

<970hp 367m 792mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> reply Moment killing DRuThe Northeastern Market Square

A man lies here in squalor, begging for food.
A perfumed woman dressed in a revealing shift eyes the crowd.
(White Aura) A woman in simple robes calls out for donations to the poor.

<970hp 367m 790mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> reply Moment killing DRudental
People near you:
Sevellian The Northwestern Market Square
Dicierki The Royal Society of Assassins
Strozz The Northwestern Market Square
Qadira The High Altar of the Great Temple
(PK) Jinroh The Northeastern Market Square

<970hp 367m 790mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> You tell Rasplor 'Moment killing DRudental'

<970hp 367m 790mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> w
wThe Northern Market Square

Strozz is here.
A merchant stands amidst a pile of hemp rugs, selling his wares.
A perfumed woman dressed in a revealing shift eyes the crowd.
Tied to a hitch, a camel stands here, spitting into the crowd.
Tied to a hitch, a camel stands here, spitting into the crowd.
Tied to a hitch, a camel stands here, spitting into the crowd.

<970hp 367m 788mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> where
People near you:
Sevellian The Northwestern Market Square
Dicierki The Royal Society of Assassins
Strozz Yasir Row
Qadira The High Altar of the Great Temple
(PK) Jinroh The Northern Market Square

<970hp 367m 788mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> nYasir Row

A vest of padded armor lies unused here.

<970hp 367m 786mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> n
Yasir Row

A vest of padded armor lies unused here.

<970hp 367m 784mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> Inside the Gate of Yasaar

A guard stands here, watching the gate.
A guard stands here, watching the gate.
A guard stands here, watching the gate.
A guard stands here, watching the gate.

<970hp 367m 782mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> A gate guard of Hamsah Mu'tazz says 'Good riddance.'
A gate guard of Hamsah Mu'tazz says 'Good riddance.'
A gate guard of Hamsah Mu'tazz says 'Good riddance.'
A gate guard of Hamsah Mu'tazz says 'Good riddance.'
Outside the Gate of Yasaar

A sign points north towards Balator and the Imperial Lands.

<970hp 367m 780mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> On the Merchant's Road

Strozz is here.
A human sentry keeps watch over the Merchant's Road.

<970hp 367m 776mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> nOn the Merchant's Road

A human sentry keeps watch over the Merchant's Road.

<970hp 367m 775mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> n
nPeople near you:
Strozz On the Merchant's Road
(PK) Jinroh On the Merchant's Road
(PK) Drudental Entrance to the village of Balator

<970hp 367m 775mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> n
nOn the Merchant's Road

A human sentry keeps watch over the Merchant's Road.

<970hp 367m 774mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> n
wheOn the Merchant's Road

<970hp 367m 773mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> where
On the Merchant's Road

A human sentry keeps watch over the Merchant's Road.
A human sentry keeps watch over the Merchant's Road.

<970hp 367m 772mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> n
On a dirt road

<970hp 367m 771mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> People near you:
Strozz On the Merchant's Road
(PK) Jinroh On a dirt road
(PK) Drudental On the main path through the village

<970hp 367m 771mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> On a dirt road south of Balator

<970hp 367m 770mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> n
On a dirt road south of Balator

<970hp 367m 769mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> n
On a dirt road just outside Balator

<970hp 367m 768mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> n
Entrance to the village of Balator

<970hp 367m 767mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> n
On the main path through the village

A human member of the Balator town watch keeps the peace here.

<970hp 367m 766mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> n
On the main path through the village

<970hp 367m 765mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> where
On the main path through the village

<970hp 367m 764mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> On the main path through the village

A human member of the Balator town watch keeps the peace here.

<970hp 367m 763mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> On the main path through the village

Water splashes forth from an ornate fountain.

<970hp 367m 762mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> On the main path through the village

A villager passes by on their way about town.
A felar warrior student makes use of her natural claws and agility.

<970hp 367m 761mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> n
nOn the main path through the village

A gnomish warrior student tries to look tough and impressive.
A storm giant warrior student spars with another student here.

<970hp 367m 760mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> n
On the main path through the village

A villager passes by on their way about town.
A human member of the Balator town watch keeps the peace here.

<970hp 367m 759mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> n
People near you:
Strozz On a dirt road just outside Balator
(PK) Jinroh On the main path through the village

<970hp 367m 759mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> On the main path through the village

A villager passes by on their way about town.

<970hp 367m 758mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> On the main path through the village

A villager passes by on their way about town.
A villager passes by on their way about town.
A villager passes by on their way about town.

<970hp 367m 757mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> where
On the main path through the village

A small silver ring lies here.
A human member of the Balator town watch keeps the peace here.

<970hp 367m 756mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> Entrance to the village of Balator

A jug has been carelessly discarded here.
A villager passes by on their way about town.
A villager passes by on their way about town.

<970hp 367m 755mv 18917tnl Time:4 PM Phase:new Landscape:civilized> Entrance to the Imperial Lands

*** He dies to bleeding in the Palace ***