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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectRE: LOG! - part 2
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=25749&mesg_id=25891
25891, RE: LOG! - part 2
Posted by Tossed Salad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The tiny forest guardian sighs.

call chameleon
You fade away as you blend in with your surroundings.

You nod.

The tiny forest guardian says 'How goes your quest?'

You sniff at the air.

Grumorum yells 'Hoo ha!'

You say 'I have began to consider new places for you to call home as of late'

Grumorum has arrived.

The tiny forest guardian says 'not him again!'

Grumorum says 'Pardon me folks, would you mind...you know, standing over that way.'

Grumorum points over to the other side of the path.

<768hp 951m 634mv> l grumorum
A short, exceedingly dirty being stands before you. Though it is at first
difficult to make out the nature of this creature, it soon becomes evident
that this is probably a svirfnebli, albeit an obscenely dirty one. A foul
smell emanates from around him, permeating the nearby air with a stench
of some mixture of garbage and dirt. Tangles of greasy black hair cascade
down around his shoulders, culminating in grimy curls. Some dingy, dark colored
clothing covers most of his body, though it is nearly impossible to tell
exactly what color it is (or may have once been).
A pair of pig-like eyes peer out from beneath his filthy brow at the
world around him.
Grumorum, a male svirfnebli, is in perfect health.

Grumorum is using:
<worn around neck> a grimy, dirty, filthy black rag of a cloak
<worn on legs> a pair of rough burlap britches
<worn on feet> a pair of muddy boots
<worn on hands> a pair of dirty, fingerless gloves
<worn about body> a filthy black shirt
<held> a Deed to the Ashes of Nowhere
<tattooed> (Glowing) The everchanging cloud

The tiny forest guardian says 'You said we still had a few days'

Grumorum gets out a measuring stick and begins carefully counting.

The tiny forest guardian sulks in the corner.

Grumorum says 'Oh, pish posh.'

Grumorum says 'What's a few days?'

Grumorum snorts.

The tiny forest guardian says 'Where is the deed?'

Grumorum nods his satisfaction as he completes his measuring.

The tiny forest guardian looks at Grumorum.

Grumorum says 'The gallows will look nicely right here.'

The tiny forest guardian gasps in astonishment.

Grumorum waves the deed around happily

The tiny forest guardian says 'Gallows?'

Grumorum says 'Right here little buddy.'

Grumorum nods at the tiny forest guardian.

Grumorum says 'The Gallows'

Grumorum says 'Good for cooking.'

Grumorum glances around happily.

Grumorum looks up at a tree thoughtfully.

The tiny forest guardian says 'No!'

Grumorum says 'That right there...That's good, quality kindlin.'

You say 'Bah, you'll not turn this one into such'

People near you:
(PK) Saldradien A Green Place in the Ashes
(PK) Grumorum A Green Place in the Ashes

The tiny forest guardian beats his fists against Grumorum's sunken chest.

Grumorum snorts at you.

A massive tree uproots itself to answer your call!

Grumorum giggles at the tiny guardian.

Grumorum kicks the guardian softly.

Grumorum giggles softly.

The tiny forest guardian says 'Is there anything we can offer you for the Deed?'

Grumorum says 'Ahhhh....'

Grumorum says 'Hrm'

Grumorum says 'Offer me?'

Grumorum sits down and thinks deeply.

You ponder the question.

Grumorum glares at the tiny guardian evilly.

The tiny forest guardian sighs.

You say 'a hoe perhaps?'

You chuckle politely.

Grumorum gets a goofy look on his face.

The tiny forest guardian begins to pack his bags.

Grumorum frowns.

Grumorum says 'Oh come on now, it wouldn't be THAT bad!'

Grumorum snorts.

Grumorum snorts.

The tiny forest guardian says 'You don't have to go move into Galadon!'

Grumorum says 'Bah. Anyway'

You nod at the tiny forest guardian.

Grumorum says 'I think I'll put the stables over here.'

The tiny forest guardian says 'And watch your life's work be destroyed.'

Grumorum waves a hand vaguely.

The tiny forest guardian sobs in misery.

Grumorum snorts derisively at the tiny forest guardian.

You comfort it, calmly placing a hand on its shoulder.

Grumorum says 'Aannnnyhow.'

Grumorum says 'I'm thinking the gallows will look nice here.'

Grumorum says 'The man-sized oven over here...'

You say 'The stump eats men?'

Grumorum says 'Who said anything about a stump?'

Grumorum looks at you suspiciously.

You say 'You, said you're stump was lonely'

The tiny forest guardian shakes its head in dismay.

You say 'A servant of your stump no doubt I've come to think'

Jugynheim gallantly tips its hat.

<768hp 931m 634mv>
The tiny forest guardian says 'Yes! The Stump! Right! I should've known! What about the stump? What if we did something to please the stump?'

Grumorum says 'Please the stump?'

Grumorum sits down and thinks deeply.

Jugynheim looks at Grumorum.

Grumorum says 'Hrmm...'

Jugynheim grumbles and growls. You wonder what's wrong....

Grumorum says 'I suppose...I suppose ...'

Grumorum sits down and thinks deeply.

You grin evilly.

Grumorum says 'I dont know, I reeeeeally want to build a gallows right here.'

Grumorum says 'A gallows of dead plant and animal matter.'

Grumorum grins evilly at the tiny forest guardian.
The tiny forest guardian grins evilly at Grumorum.

You say 'Think I the stump would be happier amongst those in that city'

The tiny forest guardian backs away.

Saldradien points to the east

Jugynheim says 'Aye in them supposed park'

You say 'Much more carnage to please the stump there, no doubt a man sized oven is useless without men to feed it'

The sun rises in the east.

Grumorum says 'I still dont get your connection here, Sal.'

Mancyel has arrived.

Grumorum says 'You're a weird one. Always on about cooking someone.'

Grumorum shakes his head in dismay.

Jugynheim gets a small black root from a ranger's knapsack.

You chuckle politely.

Jugynheim looks at Mancyel.

Mancyel gallantly tips his hat.

Mancyel looks at Jugynheim.

Grumorum sits down and rests.

Grumorum yawns.

Grumorum says 'Hrm'

Grumorum says 'I think my bed will go right around here.'

Jugynheim shakes its head.

Jugynheim says 'You not sleep in bed.... '

Grumorum nods.

Grumorum says 'Sure I do.'

Jugynheim says 'Kobold girlfriend say you like sleep in cave'

Jugynheim winks suggestively.

Mancyel whispers 'is this. . . your favorite stump?'

The tiny forest guardian leaves north.

Grumorum raises an eyebrow.

Grumorum says 'Excuse me?'

Grumorum pokes Mancyel in the ribs.

Mancyel says 'I merely asked, is this your favorite stump?'

Grumorum says 'Do you see a stump here anywhere?'

Mancyel says 'good point'

You say 'Come now, said you something about perhaps making an offer to the stump, that the stump may find a new place to exist'

Grumorum says 'And if not, does that mean anything?'

Grumorum pokes Mancyel in the ribs.

Mancyel shakes his head.

You whisper 'No it means nothing'

Mancyel says 'not really, but finding it would satiate a curiosity of mine'

You chuckle politely.

<768hp 951m 634mv>
Grumorum shrugs in response to Mancyel's question.

<768hp 951m 634mv>
Grumorum says 'Yep.'

Grumorum says 'Anyhow'

Jugynheim drinks water from a magical spring.

Grumorum says 'I think I'll put the slaughtered heads of untold millions of innocents over...here somewhere.'

Grumorum waves a hand to the south.

Jugynheim peers intently at Grumorum.

You snort.

Grumorum says 'And the puppys will get their own special place here.'

Grumorum nods to the north.

Grumorum says 'And the dead puppys will get their own special place right next to that.'

Grumorum nods.


Grumorum says 'The mostly-dead puppys will be placed in a transitionary box between those two.'

Grumorum nods.

Jugynheim sits down and thinks deeply.

Grumorum says 'They will be sorted by size, color and aptitude to bite when I pet them.'

Grumorum nods.

Grumorum says 'Are you writing this down?'

You say 'Bah, you will find no comfort here, a constant disturbance you will know, best if the stump is pleased in other ways'

Grumorum pokes Jugynheim in the ribs.

Grumorum says 'Mmm...I loves me some disturbances.'

Grumorum says 'Especially with butter.'

Grumorum rubs his hands together in greedy anticipation.

Jugynheim looks towards Saldradien covertly (or so he thinks) and waggles a large finger at his head in a slow circle with a slight tilting of his head towards Grumorum.

Grumorum takes a long drink from the glass and smiles.

Grumorum stands up.

Mancyel looks at Grumorum.

Grumorum measures a nearby rock.

You nod at Jugynheim.

You whisper 'He serves a stump'

You chuckle politely.

Jugynheim whispers 'Him been cranialed once too often'

You tell Jugynheim 'You expected more?'

Jugynheim blinks a few times.

Mancyel smirks.

Grumorum puts a glass of absinthe in a filthy black shirt.

Jugynheim tells you 'Not know what to expect'

Grumorum drops a large earthworm.

You get a large earthworm.

A massive tree uproots itself to answer your call!

Grumorum says 'Run free Earthworm! Run free!'

Grumorum drops a handful of grubs.

Grumorum drops a handful of maggots.

Grumorum says 'Go ahead little friends!'

exam maggots

Grumorum says 'Off, into the wood! Populate our new home!'

These tiny maggot-like worms have been soaked in dark power, changing their
normal hunger for dead-flesh into a desire to transform living flesh into
a dead form they can then use for their own desires. As you look at these
vile worms, you can sense the dark necrotic energies radiating from them,
and like bugs tickling the back of your mind, you can almost hear a silent
whispering as if a crowd of people were speaking in angry hushed voices,
just at the edge of your senses.
Grumorum smiles happily.

Jugynheim says 'This not be yous home'

drop earthworm
You drop a large earthworm.

Grumorum says 'Oh, I beg to differ'

Grumorum waves the deed around happily.

Grumorum smiles happily.

Jugynheim sits down and thinks deeply.

Grumorum says 'C'mon now guys. No need to be uppity.

Jugynheim tells you 'You telled him us have some his things?'

<768hp 943m 634mv>
Grumorum says 'Grummy doesn't mind you running through now and again.'

Jugynheim says 'We not uppit-y.. we just not want see you destroy hope of forest return'

Grumorum says 'Hell, I dont mind you coming by, saying hello, maybe puncturing some kittys with various piercing weapons with me.'

You tell Jugynheim 'We have none of these'
Mancyel winces in agony.

Grumorum says 'Who's destroying hope of the forest returning? It can return all it wants as far as I care'

Jugynheim tells you 'Only cause world renew... us had them'

Grumorum says 'So long as the blood of the nonbelieving innocent animals runs free in it's newly-paved streets'

Grumorum smiles happily.

Jugynheim says 'Me took hat from Cassius'

Grumorum says 'oh?'

Grumorum nods.

Jugynheim nods.

Grumorum says 'Good. Grow me some trees, I'm going to need lots of timber for the textile mill.'

Grumorum pokes Jugynheim in the ribs.

Jugynheim grumbles and growls. You wonder what's wrong....

Grumorum says 'Hop to big boy. Got a lot of work ahead of you.'

Jugynheim says 'I not grow trees for you cut down'

Grumorum says 'Well, ok, you can pretend to grow them for ...shade or...birds or something'

Grumorum shrugs helplessly.

Jugynheim says 'No you not cut them down'

Grumorum says 'I dont really care. Just grow them over there where I can easily access them from the mill, ok?'

Grumorum says 'Oh?'

Grumorum points to the deed.
Jugynheim shakes its head.

The snow begins to fall.

Jugynheim says 'Deed not mean anything'

Grumorum says 'This deed explicitly states I can cut down whatever the hell I want.'

Grumorum says 'Including you, actually'

Grumorum grins evilly.

Jugynheim says 'It just ink on dead peace of tree'

Grumorum giggles with childlike pleasure.

Jugynheim says 'piece me mean'

Mancyel whispers 'not over there, I have a small field, erm. . .'

You nod at Jugynheim.
A Green Place in the Ashes

A large earthworm slithers across the ground.
(Red Aura) A small pile of tiny white maggot-like worms is here.
A pile of live grubs lies here squirming.
A magical spring flows from the ground here.
(Charmed) A huge tree has uprooted itself at the bidding of Saldradien.
(Camouflaged) (Gold Aura) Someone is resting here.
(Camouflaged) Someone is here.
(Tainted Aura) A dirty little man is here, surrounded by a layer of filth.

<768hp 950m 634mv> com 'locate object' maggots
A handful of maggots carried by Nedrio
A handful of maggots carried by Nedrio
A handful of maggots carried by Nedrio
A handful of maggots in A Green Place in the Ashes
A handful of maggots in Small room

Mancyel whispers 'if you find any seven fingered plants growing in rows. ..'

Mancyel whispers 'just let those be. . .'

Mancyel looks around and whistles innocently.

Grumorum nods at Mancyel.

Jugynheim raises an eyebrow.

Grumorum says 'Will do'

Grumorum says 'Regardless'

Grumorum says 'My buddys and I have to be going'

Mancyel whispers 'If you need some let me know. . .'

Grumorum says 'C'mon boys, into the shirt'

Grumorum puts a handful of maggots in a filthy black shirt.

Jugynheim laughs heartily.

The day has begun.

Grumorum puts a large earthworm in a filthy black shirt.

Grumorum puts a handful of grubs in a filthy black shirt.

Jugynheim says 'You strange one'

You say 'Bah, we'll best you yet stinky'

Grumorum says 'You, little fella, hurry up and get the hell out'

A Green Place in the Ashes

A magical spring flows from the ground here.
(Charmed) A huge tree has uprooted itself at the bidding of Saldradien.
(Camouflaged) (Gold Aura) Someone is resting here.
(Camouflaged) Someone is here.
(Tainted Aura) A dirty little man is here, surrounded by a layer of filth.

Jugynheim laughs heartily.

You point in a northerly direction.

Grumorum glares at where the tiny guardian was once standing.

Grumorum says 'Where'd he go?'

Grumorum says 'Left already!'

Grumorum smiles happily.

Grumorum cheers and sings... he is just BURSTING with joy!

Mancyel says 'He went north a bit'

Jugynheim says 'He go north to grow trees'

The snow stops falling.

Grumorum says 'The rest of you guys...'

Grumorum says 'Well, I'll see you soon enough'

What's bothering you?
Jugynheim grumbles and growls. You wonder what's wrong....

Grumorum grins at a tree and whispers 'Chop chop'.

Grumorum giggles with childlike pleasure.

A foul stench overtakes the room, permeating you and your clothing, and you notice that Grumorum Gath seems to have left. Or maybe he was never here at all.

The Treant snorts.

Mancyel whispers 'is he really going to live here?'