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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectThis is a crock
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=24954&mesg_id=25032
25032, This is a crock
Posted by Vronwei on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Courage doesn't equate to stupidity according to your own words, but honestly jumping a tribunal mage in town with other tribunals around unless you are sure you can deal the damage and keep him from fleeing in the four to six rounds you 'might' have to kill him before you're wanted and tanking 6 guards etc. is just stupid.

In the instances you're talking about pillar wise, or perhaps it was the other imm; the villagers were either in power and bored ####less looking for a fight, or they weren't facing the tribunals (and by this I mean changes to the guards and tribunal powers) that they do now.

Props my eye. There were times when I fought against several at the giant with really no hope of doing more than drawing some attacks away from the destructor for a few rounds and running like my ass was on fire if I could and there were times that I said screw it they're pissing me off and I'm sticking it out, but deaths in defense of the village are reason for not being worthy of the village.

The purge might have been ok if it hadn't seemed like a pull it out of your ass instant thing. If there'd been stirrings in the village or even a friggin note. But obviously instead of giving the players a three minute warning or a little consideration you and/or the rest of the Immstaff decided they weren't worth the investiture of time. Do I think some of the villagers needed removal? Hell yes, I can name a few. But when all is said and done you basically undermined what you and the rest of the Immstaff take as your standardized line about rp and following your character concept and chucked it out the window for a spring cleaning that was more foul than fair, even by general rp standards.

The only time I see booting a villager out for something like that is when it's clear that they face only one foe, or they've consistantly avoided fights because they're clinging to that nice set of gear or just plain won't fight or defend. Booting someone for making what to them, seems a wise decision at the time without taking the two whole minutes necessary to give them a prod and see why they did or didn't do what they did just makes you seem like someone unfit for the responsability of overseeing a cabal.

I agree, you'll probably get better rp'd villagers. That's usually the case when you make a cabal suck so badly that it's viewed by the playerbase as a challenge to even survive within it, that being said; that's a dubious situation at best. People should join cabals because they want the rp/playing possibilities that come along with it, not because they feel that in a ####ty place if they manage to survive it's some measure of their doggedness or worth.

The recent changes to the village, including your appointment to it, has made it worse in the grand scheme of things. But then that's why I won't play anymore so I guess I should thank you for that.