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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectIt was a good run.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=24954&mesg_id=25007
25007, It was a good run.
Posted by Jinroh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am glad you enjoyed your character. I had nothing bad to say about Rahno until you came up to me on the day of your uninduction ranting like a child. Granted I understood your position as a player, but I was not to blame for it yet you took it all out on me (which when I look back on it, all the berserkers did except for one). I am glad you calmed down and fought through it and got back in.

As for you being removed again, I am partially to blame for that I think, because Ordasen asked me what should happen to a rager that walks by a mage and does not attack them in fear for a flag. My answer was not forgiving, but yet Ordasen agreed with me completely, so, blame me or him or both :).

All in all a great character. You calling me Jinny grated on me first, but I let it slide and it turned out to be an enjoyable thing. You had great moments of courage, bordering on stupidity (this is a good thing and a tough RP to do actually), but such is the way of the berserker. I will tell you this, you should take some time, before you play your next warrior, and learn how to equip for stats better. A warrior without str/dex equipment (aka without his weapons), especially with no hand to hand, is going to go down quick at hero range, which you experienced. You can easily gather + 15 to 25 strength gear with non limited crap. I think that got you killed more than anything else.

Take care and good luck with your next.