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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(Del) Yoshifesd, Grand Master of Artistry, Elite Imperial Blade
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=22949&mesg_id=22949
22949, (Del) Yoshifesd, Grand Master of Artistry, Elite Imperial Blade
Posted by Beladorizid on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well it's done, over kaputz.

It was one heck of a ride .. my first Bard .. and my first Hero in over a year. I had such a good time with this character, and for the first time learned how to accept defeat (and full loots) with 0 anger and difficulty. I had a chance to play with so many good people, both allies and foes, that I will always look back on this Yoshifesd with good memories. I tried to play him with no regard to gear. Whether decked or not I ALWAYS showed up when we were raided, and often paid the price. I finally left for the same reason I quit before I rolled this guy. I have a new career and I need to dedicate the time to make it happen. I didn't play CF for 3 months, and figured I could come back with NORMAL playing times, and balance it. After one to many 4 a.m. mud sessions, I decided that I need to step back again for a while and put the same effort to my future as to this damn game I love so much. To all of the Immortals, well done ... honestly .. and god damn you :)

Some goodbyes.

Dryzzel: Well we basically grew up together, heroed, etc. I really think you make a great War Master. Tough when you need to be, lenient when you can tell you have a soft spot for a guy. How many times did we wait for those damn Marans to come up the stairs and say, "Today is a good day to die". We were together when Empire was getting beaten on, and through to our being on top of the pile (where are we now with all the deletions I wonder) Thanks for making this a character to remember.

Xygarthon: Pretty much a mirror of Dryzzel. Grew up together and Elited together. I felt you were a lot like me, in that it was balls to the wall. Raided by 5 ... who cares, defend or die trying. I counted you among my favorites.

Aiekooso: Your just a citizen, beneath me in station. ####, you rock and I think you know it. You know tons about the mud, and helped me out whenever I needed it, no excuses. I am glad I could help you when I could, as you were always there for me.

Jestopeia: Yet another who seemed to know the mud backwards and forwards. I still remember that time you ranked in Organia during our raid situation (hehe) You were a fine friend to me, and I wish you all the best.

Zhenzar: Christ I never did get that note finished did I. To offer an excuse however, I was hyped to do it, wrote notes gathering information and ... nobody replied. Just you and the trannie. That went on for ... like a month real time or so. Finally the Dread Lord responded (no slight to you, our playing times didn't mesh) and by then I kind of knew I needed to leave soon, and knew I didn't have the time to dedicate to it, my aplogies. From what I saw you were very strong, both as a killer and a leader. Yes, I did tell Dryzzel about that thing (hehe)

Sevarecan: Lord of Lords, nough said.

Beltantis: Probably my favorite overall foe. Now I know people have bitched about you, but from my end of things I have to say well done. You were not afraid to fight, and I died to you a few times in impossible raid situations, but you were ALWAYS cool regarding gear, and you know I appreciated that. Well done, and I hope your character goes far.

Skallgrim: Also an enjoyable foe, but ont he flipside of the coin, I am not sure I ever got any gear back from you. Hehe, bitch :)

Gorthalon: We faced each other often enough, but never really spoke. I was impressed with your heart, as I could usually get rid of you fairly quickly with my fiend, tho never face you for long head to head. Well done.

Props to Drakuniz, Hashok, Kelrizza ... I know I am forgetting people, but it is late and my mind is in a bottle of wine. Please post and I will respond.

In closing I would really apprecaite any comments .. good or bad regarding this character. I always appreciate feedback, and would love to hear from any I interacted with. Is this the end for Beladorizid .. probably not.. I have been here since maple.net .. when a rank 5 with a warrior with a nightmare blade could kill a dozen people in Midgaard in 15 minutes .. damn I am old.