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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectRE: (CON LOSS) [TRIBUNAL] Larsetta Dobrey the Grand Mis...
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=22603&mesg_id=22618
22618, RE: (CON LOSS) [TRIBUNAL] Larsetta Dobrey the Grand Mis...
Posted by Larsetta on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, Larsetta was passionate, had a love of law and order, was true to her friends, did not shy away from dangerous situations, and excelled at dying as a Magistrate. hehe.

What an emotional experience this was. She was my first Hero. I had real tears pouring out of my eyes when she died, and was saying her goodbyes. I see alot of characters that dont do a good bye note, and I just cant imagine that. Maybe because she was my first hero, maybe because this is only like my 4th real character, I dont know. I just really liked playing Larsetta. I hope some of you liked playing with her as well.

Lady Sabiene, thanks for speaking with me at the end. It was nice. I did not see any final bit of whisdom when I parted the realm though, at the very end. It was quite the experience though, and I am glad I waited out the entire proces. It gave me a while to say some more goodbyes. Just like in real live, I want to someday die awake and with my eyes open, so this was good practice, heh. *smile*.

Larsetta, though dead now, will miss everyone dearly, and she hopes that at least a few people miss her as well.

Goodbyes - Anyone I miss, I am sorry. I think I have all the major players in her life listed, but if I accidentially miss someone, let me know, and refresh my memory.

Imms - Great game. Thanks. I really love it.


Agraemas - Larsetta's beloved. She spent the last 2 days of her life hoping you would wake up, but you never did. She left messages with everyone though. I just reviewed the log of the first time you two met, and your adventure that evening, and it brought tears to my eyes. For real.

Odelius - Odie! Odie! The Pantless Gnome! You worried Larsetta for a while, and she wasnt too sure of you, but after a bit, she trusted you with her life, and would have done anything for you.

Youtserp - Great guy. Your feathers tickled though.

Nadia - Started out thinking Larsetta and you would be fast friends though life, but then I stopped seeing you. Take care.

All of the other Shifters were very nice. I met a bunch of you at different times. Shifters were about the nicest class I ever played. Probably because there are so few hero level shifters. I know Lorran and I and one other had our differences, but I was never attacked, not did I attack, anyone in a guild. Cant say that for alot of classes.

Kheleons - Dont know about you, but you were cool! Great character.

Most of the Magistrates were frinds too, they are listed below.


Taleekan - Where did you go to? Larsetta really missed you in the latter parts of her life.

Oblain - My Idol! I often tried to fight like you, because you were the greatest and strongest Magistrate I had ever seen, but the lion just cant do that. hehe.

Kelrizza - You scared the hell out of Larsetta. She was just glad you were both on the same team. She did respect you though. Go far.

Nimaray - Larsetta did not care for you much. Sorry. It was that first time she met you, and you cast gills on here. Really pissed her off.

Zaklotel - Brave! You have a strong heart.

Agarah - Ugh. Gross! Larsetta hated what you were, but respected your love of order and law. Guess we wont ever get to do the corpse experiment now, hehe.

Lopner - Loopy! You were Larsetta's big brother it seemed for a bit. The crush angle you played with Agra was hilarious. He was really angry for a while. He might still be. Dont know, since Larsetta passed to the fields, she hasnt heard much from the mortal realm. heh.

Eucarios - You were a huge help to Larsetta. She missed you when you left, and she was sad.

Miglid - You were a strange one to Larsetta. She accepted you at the end though, and wished you were around more.

Gerferras - Sorry about that. hehe. You know what I mean. That one accidental time you tried to spell me, though, and you got killed because I did not trust cabal, was very helpful to Larsetta over the next few weeks of her life. That Orc, Madas, got the biggest kick out of it, and I am pretty sure Madas didnt attack and kill me sometimes, because she saw when you spelled me and got killed. Be well!

Costise - I never trusted you, and after reading your goodbyes, I know why. You played that very well, or else I was very intuitive. Good luck with whoever you are now.

I am sure I missed a few magistrates in there. Sorry. Please refresh my memory if I did. I have everything logged.

Enemies (too numerous to list... hehe.) (whom I fell to most of the time.) I saw Larsetta as the way to improve EVERYONE ELSE's PK ratio. hehe.

Voronil - Hated you. Larsetta didnt give a damn about the grove. That was Oblains war. Of course, even without the war, you still would have been the 'thorn in her side' hehe.

Pelthaas - Another great character. Wish you and Voronil would have talked more, instead of just killing her. All I ever got out of Voronil was 'You orderly, you live in city, I kill you' or something to that effect. oh well.

Lorran - She really liked you, even though you were an enemy. Funny that, huh? Matter of fact, Larsetta like all the shifters she met. It pained here to ever have to fight any of them. Her good heart broke several times.

Slathigern - Only got to fight you once. I screwed it up. Larsetta did not know she could use Tribunal powers in form, and that was why she attacked you as a human, and not her lion. She manacled you, and tried to shift 4 times. It fell each time. hehe.

Flaerglum - Argh! Agg! Ack! Quit it already! Didnt killing her after about the 10th time get boring for you? Larsetta hated you, I think you did a bang up job. Well done.

ALL THE VILLAGE AT THE END. Larsetta did not approve of Oblains wars, but she followed orders, and was always there for the Spire. I hope the villagers, though they hated the mage, could at least respect her spirit. She improved several of your PK ratios quite a bit I would imagine! *smile*

There were many more who enjoyed killing Larsetta, as attested to by her early CON death. Most of her life is logged on my computer, so if anyone wants to see their kills from her point of view, let me know, and I'll dig it up for you. Most of them were about 2 to 3 rounds though, not very impressive.

Larsetta says 'Everyone take care. I go to rest now, in the fields of heaven. Peace and be well.'