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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectRage at indifference not death.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=22589&mesg_id=22591
22591, Rage at indifference not death.
Posted by Broghelan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was a great little experiment. A giant fist-fighting pit-fighter style warrior who spend most of his days drunk and fighting. Lots of villagers I liked and plenty of them I hated and wished I could kick them out of the village. I am not going to name names but most of those I liked know I liked them and I made it plain who I did not like IC so I wont speak of them OOC. Broghelan was designed to be a 'boil in the bag' rager and by that I mean a rager who does not get overly concerned with equipment or risk and fights courageously and is ready to go again even if he is full looted. I chose chilling embrace and cry of thunder and loved the combination with hand to hand and had a hit dam of between 51 85 on average to about 80 135+ when I had a half decent set, poncho, berserk, warcry and thirsted.
This meant for a lot of damage and nasty pummels, which when you got the bruising left the opponnent taking OBLIT and ANNIHIL punches.
Lorhan, Thanks for the interaction and marking me as a follower. Broghelan was proud of being marked with the gauntlet.
Zylundak, good commander who became a little ineffective towards the end and this led to Broghelan's frustration and departure. I had considered asking for uninduction but life as a non-villager would go against Broghelan's role.
Old ragers who died before me, I have already told you how I liked you or not.

Tykrul I hope you get the command soon before it is too late and kick out most of crap villagers of which there are plenty at the moment.

Zhelrantix, Bear, we had a similar idea in legacy paths and showed that it can work with both hands and swords to good effect. I still recall my myrth when ranking you up to hero on the mount when we realised we had the same idea.

Flaerglum I liked you to begin with but got tired of you very quickly and sick of you trying to tell people what to do in raids etc and making out that if you were there, nothing would go wrong. If it is your role then Broghelan's stubborn streak bucked against it.

Favourite enemies would have to be Zaknafir and Vanar, I almost loved you guys as much as some of the village. Wierdly!

No other people I fought were particularly noteable but if I do happen to have forgotten you then drop a mail and jog my memory.

Broghelan R.I.P.

I will post some logs later.