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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectGoodbye
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=22529&mesg_id=22540
22540, Goodbye
Posted by Ashlidry on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Started this character during one of my classes in college. Wasnt to bright. Ended up not to bad of a character. Was around for a while. Saw a lot of people die. So I guess Ill just get the ones that I remember.

Maran: Tcatama! What a great felar. Had a lot of moral'
s stood up for most of them. Was fun rp'en with you.
Obanazuk: Glad to see you immed. Still pissed off when you interfiered between me and Tcatama's fights.
Tribunal: Oblain: Strong sturty leader. Still dont agree with why you moved me. I just followen the law. And plus I was getting sick of this character. So sorry for all the steam. Your going to make one hell of a provost.
Kelrizza: Lot of fun with you. Kinda liked pissen you off. I thought it was hilarous. Glad to see you got promoted again.
Rager: Never had a problem with any of you. Liked how you always returned my armor, and I learned in time to give the same mutual respect.
Ozlif: One of the finest warriors I had seen in my time, with Juktar and Zhelrantix, you made one hell of a team.
Juktar: Same as Ozlif
Flaerglum: Got you! Hah! Sooner or later I knew I would kill you.
Warder: Well Didnt like to interact with any of you. Didnt even like raiden your guild. But it had to be done. Some fine forest warriors emerged while I was around.
Herald: Loved Mossi, what ever happened, Javaco Nice playen with you,

Well I gotta go Peace,