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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectyou whip arse ya fuzzy cretin.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=22479&mesg_id=22510
22510, you whip arse ya fuzzy cretin.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
you said criminy.. no one but me says that anymore..
what's wrong with you? :) well i say crimeny.. but still.

Well let's step to the past a moment.
as Teriniua (the svirf war)when you were Rjezrit don't know if you remember those long ago days, but that was fun.

as Vanadulin to Tcatama .. well i had thought all the time ic
that you had some role based reason for not having sent in a note
to the fort by then, you were such a maran-like non-fort guy.. :)
told ya you'd make a good maran though. ... just after i was dead :)
side note: you have any idea how many times i cast a spell on tcatma
instead of Tcatama for the fights we ran together in? *roflmao*

as Belaridhian well we didn't chat all that much but the short bit
was interesting. :)

as Xargornek I even got a mention?!?! wow. hehe I never got a warrior that high before. or an evil come to think of it. I came up with an impossible role anyway so it was best i died. hell i had the idea at 15th lvl or so and never got a chance to type it out. that was how busy i was. :) more on this guy because he was recent.
basically i made him to be an evil who was a step from honorable.
didn't like to hunt in packs, didn't like to loot. respected his enemies (well anyone even half worth that respect) didn't like to flee. didn't like to back down. kept his sucesses quiet and was open about his failures. blah blah etc.
the basic idea was from betrayal in the underdark and looking for a place to beling. so whoever preached/pitched/sold thief ideas to
him first would get him, as long as the ideas were presented reasonably and would fit in with his internal views.
but once he devoted himself to some cause that was it, he wouldn't take that back. :) sadly i think more maran liked this guy than the imperials. hehe. and interestingly enough scion. and some followers of valg. wild huh? i got along with everyone i wasn't supposed to.
but he was hella fun. but you .. dude.. just freakin' scary.
'course i keep wondering ho wmany of y'all maran i could have bagged if i had dragged a buddy along. cry sucks when you are a lone hunter of maran.. :) hehe.
good luck on whatever you do next, not that you'll need it.