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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectThe Great Warrior Experiment is Over!
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=22479&mesg_id=22484
22484, The Great Warrior Experiment is Over!
Posted by Enbuergo1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I'll try to keep this as short and sweet as I can (overly long goodbye notes blow).

I rolled Tcatama for a few reasons. 1: To see if I could play a non-hiding class, 2: To teach me how to deal with dying (normaly with my thieves I rage delete after my second death or so), and 3: In response to a thread on dios four months back or so regarding 'good' behavior. Apparently, the consensus was that certain Maran just had a 'good' tag and that was about it. I wanted everyone to know that Tcatama was a 'good' guy. I showed respect to my enemies, both when I killed them and when I was killed by them. I tried speaking of the light and redemption to about everyone I fought. I tried looting as little as possible (in fact a lot of times I fought with little to no gear because I returned it all to a fallen enemy), and never complained when I was looted. Unfortunately I don't come from 'team good' and didn't have the Maran Manual of Conduct memorized. I tried hard, I made mistakes, but I hope overall Tcatama was a solid friend and an interesting enemy. Regarding the speech, I just thought it was funny to have a felar talk like (as I described to a friend) a 'ghetto fabulous dwarf.'

My only real complaint is a general one, and I address it to both Team Evil and Team Good: Both of you grow some balls. Tcatama is my only char, and I don't 'check' to see which way the wind is blowing before I log on. I was sick to death of seeing all good and no evil, or all evil and me (and perhaps beltantis or skallgrim). Suck it up and just go out there and fight and have fun. Criminy.

On to the goodbyes:

I tried hard to make Tcatama a 'fun' character to watch. Balls to the wall, kept reequipping at a minimum. I had no written role, but if anyone spent any time with me or asked, they pretty much would know who I was, where I was from, and what I was about with little or no difficulty. Thanks for the title (although giving it to me with one death left was evil, evil I tell you! When you did that I just used a gain convert to train my con one last time =P).

Obaznuk: Truly my favorite imm. Fighting beside you was an honor. Interacting with you as an imm...yes also an honor. Good luck up there, big guy.

Sevarecan: An example of an evil character that does perfectly well without 'bend your knee to the dark god azazel puny felar!' speak. If you haven't spoken with Sev, I highly recommend it.

Mekantos: Congrats on imming, you jerk! I enjoyed our fights, especially the one after you killed me on the ocean and we started fighting in the plains, in the mountains, etc etc. I had a half set of gear, but seemed to be able to hang on...somehow. Your 'evil' speak was a great foil for me and my lighthearted gibberish. Good luck my friend.

Spirit of the Ancient Knight: Thanks for whipping me into shape, and not allowing me any self-pity. That talk changed the way I played my character in a lot of ways. Keep an eye on the fort for me...

Belrhin: I gotta put you here first and formost. Running with you was an absolute blast. In order to be a competant trannie, you have to be practically psychic, and you were the god damn Madam Cleo of trannies. After we got our #### together, I knew I could just count on you to do the right spell for the fight, no matter what the conditions. I won't reveal what I suspect are your motives for aiding the Fort so much, but suffice to say a trannie who knows what he's doing is going to enrage a *lot* of people who are on the short end of that stick. Congrats man, and good luck.

Illademn: Known you for two characters now (Rjezrit being the other). Extremely interesting interaction from two very different perspectives. Good luck, old man.

Wolf: Misunderstood by most, but I'm glad I was able to earn your respect and trust. Keep on doing...what you do.

Leesah: Love and respect. Thanks for your help all those times.

Agraemas: More love and respect. A good guy to get to know.

Skallgrim: Stout dwerf fer sere. Keep kicking ass, you old bastard. I knew you were one I could always count on to log on throught ####ty times and kick ass with me.

Guddomelig: The One Man. Great job all around with the aggressive acolyte play. But I need protection at the archmage, not at the foot of the stairs!

Gorthalon: Another successful aggressive acolyte. I knew you had my back no matter what the occasion. Many thanks.

Beltantis: Why is it team evil keeps expecting goodies to play like newbies, and gets pissed when they don't? Tactics were your thing. Excellent job.

Vorondel: You are pretty much the epitome of what I believe acolytes should act like, which is ironic because you're the cardinal =P. Excellent job--I just wish I had seen you more towards the end.

Cap: Another I've known through both Tcatama and Rjezrit. With Rjez, I thought a strong breeze could knock you over. Now I see you got a bit of steel in you. I just wish you were around more.

Lariya: Yet another I've known through two. One scary paladin, for sure. Didn't see you much towards the end--perhaps a shift in playing times for the both of us.

Gwyt: An excellent, courageous bard. I have you pegged for leadership (hint hint!). Friendly, brave, deadly--great char all around.

Sgralnaoc: Haven't seen you for a bit, but certainly a player worthy of Maran.

Malergora: Again, I never understood the hostility towards you. Thanks for the aid when you were around.
Drummond: My hand picked protege =P. Keep up the good work.
Endorol: You have potential. Just chill out a bit when you get killed. It happens to us all.
Piran: Yep, I wish I coulda been around to fight along side you. You'll have to pick up my slack...and from what I've seen that's not going to be a problem.

Goronik: Probably my favorite evil to interact with towards the end. Sorry for slapping you around with Belrhin, but you did kill me while I was lagged out so screw you =P. I thought our talks were funny, because we both knew neither of us were going to bend an inch, but still the respect was there. Thanks for the fun.

Jiro: You turned out to be the opponent I wanted you to be. Sorry to have jabbed you a bit on the boards, but I think overall you learned your #### and learned it good. Good luck with the 'plot twist'.

Malkhar: Damn you and those snares! I don't think I ever actually died to one, but it certainly spiced up my life a bit. Great job on the evil ranger thing.

Dryzzel: My nizzle. An excellent warrior, and I was glad to see another felar to go against. That six person gang when I had a snow leopard skin was wrong though, just wrong (but I probably would have done the same thing=P). For the record, my favorite experience with your character was when you were killed while I was practically naked and I took a lot of your things and you said 'You're taking my clothes, eh? Guess I'll just have to get them back.' Good luck, wizzle pizzle.

Xygarthon: Much love and respect. Quite a fierce foe when you're on your game

Barduk: Always a fun fight...when you're around. What happened to you? A duergar h2h spec is...interesting...to say the least.
Vilkins: Same deal. Love and respect; an excellent bard, when you remember which songs are appropriate =P.

Yoshifesd: Yet another fun enemy. Thanks for all the fiends...I'm pretty sure I mastered pummel off of them.

Kardok: I didn't understand your character. Sometimes you whipped my ass, sometimes you ran if I sneezed at you hard. Overall, a good job though.

Etarekoth: Probably the only assassin I actually was wary of to any degree. Normally Tcatama chewed up and spit out assassins, but you always gave me a run for my money. If you have the fight at the crossroads, I would love to see it.

Vanar: Excellent enemy to have. However, sending me a tell challenging me to a duel isn't going to work...my only chance against invokers was catching them unprepared.

Foslin: Quite brave, for a fat old lady =P. You, like me, would defend your cabal pretty much no matter what the odds. For that, I give love and respect.

Ilivarra: I don't really dig the whole 'super unbelievably evil' scene, but it is certainly a valid role option. Destroying my stuff in front of me when I had the balls to defend against the three of you is, however, not cool in my book.

Kwalin: Probably the invoker I feared the most after Zak. You have your #### down. I'll see about those logs, however most of them lately are just me going down in a big bloody mess to 3-5 foes.

Zaknafir: I certainly enjoyed pretty much all of our fights. Surviving a hostile, extremely competant invoker for a felar is, um, a bit tough. Hope I gave you a run for it though.

Kelrizza: Didn't get to fight you as much later in life as I did in the beginning, but things were always a bit less 'sure' for me when you were around. I never knew if my impale was going to 'maim' Imperial X when you were about, and that kind of uncertainty made the game fun.

Anyone else I'm missing, drop me a line or reply and I'll certainly give you feedback. You can IM me at Goffinet4.
