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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectRE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Ayuzen the Shihan
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=21755&mesg_id=21756
21756, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Ayuzen the Shihan
Posted by Kravidiann on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This character blew. I really really really didn't get anything I
wanted accomplished. I just... plain... sucked. Surprised my PK
ratio is as high as 52%. I made him to be a vengeful brat, hated
everyone, wanted to see people suffer. Not in an 'I'm on the evil
side, you're on the good side, now you die thing.' but a person
who truly gets satisfaction out of making others suffer, sometimes
compulsively, sometimes as a sport, but almost always for personal
enjoyment. Then, Beroxxus came along, and I was like 'oh man, this
is the perfect religion for my character, all pre-set and everything,
just fit my role to the T'. I got some neato immteraction as a
youngin. I was a little deathful then, turned on a few groupmates to
get their belongings, so I was happy. The Beroxxus thing faded away
though when everything took too goddamned long. I didn't wanna be
like "Hey uh... so you saw that uh... dastardly thing I just... um
did... like, twenty levels ago, can I join your cult/religion?"

Then I thought, why not make him join the village, lie to get in,
if he got the boot, hey screw it, can join the Empire. The whole time
he was considering when to say screw it and defect. Unfortunately, he
wanted to at least do something major to a Villager or two, but never
happened. I informed a few enemies where to find Villagers I disliked,
mostly the goody ones, and they were killed, mostly. I did it at least
twice to Gieldon, and about five or six times to others. I stole from
fallen Villagers corpses a TON. Good thing they don't have locate
object :). I was a complete liar backstabber thief. I always attacked
Marans first if I could, ignored the whole 'dont war with them unless
they attack you.' thing. I was practically trying to get booted. I
was never warm and fuzzy to any villagers, but I wasn't outwardly
mean to them. That would make them think something was up.

Nevertheless, I tried making allies with Imperial Shadows, just about
every single one I found, but um, you guys don't last long. Shadow
today, deleted tomorrow. Navarro, Verisla, Sandir, that L Dark-Elf.
Plus, our enemies were dwindling. That and I'd get owned by all the
Marans I fought. I had a mixture of bad timing, bad luck, skills not
going through, and just not typing 'where' at the right time to see
if someone's about to gang you.

Not only that, it took me -forever- to get into the Village, started
with Gre, then Findlebisk was Commander, but he wasn't around, then
Drahkul came, and after giving me soo much crap he finally inducted
me. Ayuzen's first priority was to get you killed as much as he
possibly could. He planned on ratting you out over and over again
to hordes of enemies until you con-died, and maybe even try to get a
leadership position, and then after that, try to change the makeup
of the village to be mostly evil, giving good-aligned villagers
godawful tasks to accomplish to get in, and evil ones, um, where's
the Chasm? Unfortunately that didn't pan out, that woulda been fun.
Ultimately, I just died everywhere, and couldn't hurt a fly at times,
it just blew. Did good as Vaustrien, sucked as Ayuzen.

Anyways, goodbyes:
Village - In general, the closer I was to you, the more I ratted you
out and stole stuff from you and took forever to come to your aid.
Also, I was honorless, I would gang people, especially if I could
make it look like an accident.
Drahkul: See above, hated you, wanted you to die =)
Gieldon: Was nice to you, but that shouldn't make you happy anymore
Slathigern: Same to you, but didn't get you killed ever. Tried though.
The Rest: I'm tired, I'll post in response though if you post. Liked
all the leaders past Drahkul though.

Maran - In general, you owned me. Somtimes my fault, sometimes bad
luck, you just plain owned me.
Obaznuk: I hated you the most, along with...
Tyohleib: Bastard, spear/mace, impale/boneshatter, ugh.
Um forgot the rest of you. Shoot me a post if you want.

Scion - Near the end, was going to help you kill Villagers I didn't
Mekantos: Felt bad for you at first. Don't anymore, sorta. Wanted to
help you kill our mutual enemies at the end, and villagers that
could have fed your axe, but I'm sure you could tell. You never
straight asked for, and I wasn't about to say 'please let me help
Rest: I forget, but I'm sure you were all very very cool

Empire - Wanted to become Shadow Lord off the top, but I sucked too
much to pull it off (ie. begin as at least an Imperial Shadow)
Shadow Imm: I was soooo annoyed with how long it took me to become
a Villager. Shoulda taken your advice and joined Empire :). I think
I know what an evil, untrustworthy imperial shadow should be like.

Verisla, Mogalliano, Sandir, a few others... liked all you, but you
were, to Ayuzen, a way to get what he wanted (see above). Too bad
it never worked out.
Tirrarraeor: I was trying to become a member of Beroxxus's cult, and
you were a member. I thought, hey, what would be cooler than to not
only be a member, but to cause the suffering of another member. You
screamed a lot, you were fun to taunt (in a way), I thought Beroxxus
woulda loved that. Too bad when you died was about when all my work
went to crap and I began sucking horribly.

Sylvan - Wanted you dead as well. Nothing personal, but felt that if
I was going to go Empire later, might as well have you all dead now.

Anyways, thats the jist of it. Wish I didn't do so bad. Character just
lost its spark, its hard to be cruel when you die left and right. Much
easier when you're able to at least make -someone- fear you.

PS: To Beroxxus and the Shadow Imperial Imm, what did you think, at
least at first? I think I played a distraught, angered evil well in
the beginning.

I so wish this character concept woulda played out.