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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectI had fun, thanks... to some of you.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=20848&mesg_id=20851
20851, I had fun, thanks... to some of you.
Posted by Izuver on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Healers are most funny class I ever played, I suppose. Even better then those nasty necromancers. Lich would be nice to play too, though, I bet. Not in this life, though.

I made this char... damnit, why would you care why? Anyways. My favorite nightclub got closed for a month or so, so I made it because of boredom, and I do not regret anything. Next week this looooovely club will be opened for the new applicants, so I do not regrt deleting.

This char were way too distractive. From the work, I mean. My efficienc decreased meanrly to zero. Sometimes I've been working and playing at the same time. Terrible.

Most bright moment in life of Izuvererus - it is interraction with Khalizad, no doubt. Thank you for that, sometimes I've been laughing so loud that my team were asking me what is there so funny.

Empire would be GREAT if Khalizad would take the throne. I would expect most fun than it EVER experienced with such leader. I only regret that some retards teamed up and ruined so good game, at least, for imperials. Now empire will be yet-another-standart-cabal-with-a-weak-n-moronic-cheating-ass ruling it. Well, I accause no one. It's just my opinion. Die, if you disagree. ;P

Izuvererus were a kinda maniac. He hated marans sincerely, more than anyone else, for a reason which Khalizad allready mentioned: mass logins and mass logons. I hated those players, Izuver hated characters. Double hatering made him quite dangerous. I hope.

Another thing that I hate - it's that Empire is not what is supposed to be. If Laws is not sacred, then rewrite codex. To enforce the Laws is an immwork. But they regret those morons (IC, of course) who break the laws. This made me loose about 80% of interest in this character. If imms do not wish to watch the laws, let players do so. But #### it, you didn't do even that. I tried, you know, and you didn't care much. For this I despise you, sorry. If you run a cabal, you shall care for it. And again, it is my sorry underdog's opinion, I know that I'm wrong everywhere and you are absolutely right in every situation. So I won't disput it.

Now, some farewells. Hopefully not too much.

I tried to be your good servant. I played, or tried to play, a zealot. A maniacally killer. I didn't care for my own life much, or I would not die in 90% of encounters in which I died. ;) Izuver embrassed Dath, since he was walking the way of Death. He never tohught of it as of something terrible; Death was a good friend of him, and he, and I, as a player, enjoyed every death, even my own.
At the end you said something concerning reward. Well... a bit late. I thought that I am not playing well enough to be rewarded/tittled, and that destroyed another 20% of my interest in this character. I thought until we spoke for the last time that I'm another unsuccesfull your priest. Ah well.
Anyhow. Every meet with you were inspiring and interesting, I enjoyed a lot. One advice, if mortal can do advices, you need, as I think, to be more harsh. You care way too much for your followers... I think I should be punished in some situations where I did mistakes. :
Good luck.

Very impressive. It's a shame that you are visible so rarely, you are very interesting to interract with. Shame on you that you didn't care for Khalizad. With little bit of your support he would become Emperor. I thought you care more for your sect.

I thought of making your follower. No thank you. You should leave your ego, or at least a little bit of it and admit that you can do mistakes too. That promotion were disgusting. That interraction were disgusting. Your decision were disgusting. If that was you!
If not, I sincerely apology and will make a follower of you right now. At least for 5-10 minutes, I swear! :)

Thank you, I enjoyed a lot. I didn't mean to insult you, but that happened somehow. Ooops. But I couldn't do anything, since it would be against my character's personality. Cool punishment, I enjoyed it a lot, though I think you need to make it more various. Seeing one thing three times in a row... well, that could annoy a little.

Hell, nice! Thanks. Another imm that Izuver "accidently" insulted. Though, in that situation he was absolutely right. I've been a little disappointed that you didn't pursue him and finish what you wished to do with your claws. Still have no idea what you wished to do, but suspect the worst - changing sex I wouldn't like A LOT.

=== Mortals ===

You made life of this character interesting, full and impressive. I enjoyed every moment of our interractions, no matter of what did we do - burning our own stuff or slaughtering 5-6 marans all together.
Many thanks to you, and it's a shame that our timing do not match as much as I would like to.
Hell, I would like to speak with you, and since I do not plan returning to CF at least until good bit of my work is done, I ask you to contact me: ddanilevski@hotmail.com
You would be the best Emperor, and I have no doubt it would be most funny era of the Empire.

You are weak, paranoidal wretch. I despised you IC, I despise you as a player. For such roleplaying I would throw you out of the Empire with a lightningspeed. Reasons for my demotion were laughable. Claiming that I shall not demand respect (nonsense) and then demanding it to youreself and to my foes (another nonsense) made you look like an absolutely idiot.
You do not care for the sect; you care only for youreself. Selling your own priest who supported you (yes, I did, Izuver followed the Codex, unlike you) to gain respect of two idiots, who were wise enough to use you and throw you away... pathetic.
Go back to scions, you are playing them well. I recognized your style and more than sure that I know who you are.

Isengrim and Yanacek.
One of the most pathetic imperials I ever seen. Weak and pretty much worthless. If Yanacek roleplaying slightly, Isengrim playing a battlerager with 'sleep' spell within Empire. Rahter pathetic, you both do not woth to waste space on you here, so I am finishing with you two.

Well, you know I am far better than you are. ;) Well done, do not give up, but stop licking asses and become a proud Divine, not some kind of little servant that you are now. Just my opinion, though, since most likely with those guys ruling Empire it would make you anathema sooner than you think! :)

Good luck. I enjoyed you, though we didn't interract much.

I cannot write anything good here about you since it would decrease your reputaiton there. ;)
Kidding. My favorite shadow, perfect work when you do not sleep youreself. Waking you is a trouble.
We surely had fun, though I suspect that you sold me a couple of times ;)

Astilamos - you are dead. Rest in peace. I obeyed your orders even after your death. Order, you see.

I depsise you. All but Vanadulin, who showed some guts and didn't mass login/logoff with the rest of you. Well, most of you.
You are always blaming Empire in gangbanging, though I HADN'T EVER seen such gangs that you usually form when you come to fight 1-2 imperials. ####ing hypocrytes. You are gaining tittles for that. Rot.

Follow marans.


Sylvan immortals: your captain got autodeleted. What more stupid can you imagine? Wake up, boulders.

Choranek, you are man with the guts. You cared for your not less than I cared for the Empire. Coming to us, knowing that you'll die likely, unaffraid of the death - I liked that. Sometimes killing you were disgusting for me as for a player, but my character enjoyed it. Good luck, hopefully you'll become a captain.

Permagrouped (IMHO, for the God's sake!) Tichnktil + Aereglen.
Despised you. Together coming, together logging off, together dying. Must be funny to play marans now.

Enjoyed slaying you, though your accausing me in cowardice when I came alone against you, Choranek, fullmoon, you with your pets, +2 hunts after me (were there two?) in the ashes/ysigrath... that were stupid.

Didn't interract much with you, always tried not to loot you. Enjoyed some battles.

Rest of the cabals.
Didn't notice you, for the most part.


Man... I wear, you had fun, so I did. I called it a 'fishing' and I am sure you deserve tittle of a 'Fisher'. :) good work, good teamwork also.

Think you are a bit of newbie, but you strive to learn, and I liked that. I tried to travel with you and hopefully you gained experience (not only IC) in those travels. I liked your style, too, keep the good work!

Most pathetic thing that exists in CF, all of you should be wiped out for breaking the Paladin's Code. All of you, dishonorable scums.

On this happy note allow me to bid you all goodbyes! Thanks to the most of you for the perfect time!

Ah, Nep!
You are EVIL. You tower is EVIL. But it's too "closed", and it's just a little useless puzzle, IMHO. Moreso, it enforces cheating (mixing characters), since with one character most likely you'll never even come to the first quest in ST. Going there alone is boring, at least, for me now, and unspoken law tells us not to reveal quest secrets to anyone... so this is a big, but useless place in the game, unfortunately.

Bye all, until we meet, or not meet, again.