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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectMy response to your respone
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=1979&mesg_id=2009
2009, My response to your respone
Posted by TheFirstApostle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Evils tend
>to be
>more PK oriented. We face enemies
>with generally much greater
>powers that are more suitable for
>PKing than Scions.

THis hasn't always been the case, and to be honest I don't have a whole lot of sympathy. The good aligned characters really went through something similar to this during the time that spaned the collapse of the Knight cabal through the creation of Dawn. Only when a few players decided to really push the Maran religion, and the creation of the fortress did things really start to shift.

Bringing us to the present, there is alot to be said about the fact that current Scions are deleting at a rather quick rate. You can't deny the fact that there have been a couple of points when the Scion cabal was truly dominant. They'd gain some momentum, and then through a large number of deletes be back where they started. Is this because there really isn't a lot for evils to do, or are the people who decide to play these evil characters don't have the patience for it. A group of good aligned characters got together (outside of IRC mind you), and really managed to make a push for the creation of a Maran cabal. Do the people who play evil characters want the Scion role handed to them on a silver platter or do they want to help shape it.

Heh, I don't know if i responded to anything.. just wanted to get this off my chest.
