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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectCan I enter?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=1979&mesg_id=2008
2008, Can I enter?
Posted by Khiravn (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>You brought up good points but
>I still think I'm right.

Yeah, I once thought you were 100% correct on the motivations of the people who play evil-align characters. From my biased view of playing so many good align characters, I lumped all the evil-aligns into a power-gaming/multi-killing/newbie-preying/no-roleplaying/delete-at-under-100-hours/mIRC-cheating ball. Since then, though, I've played a few evil align characters, and I recognize that that old view doesn't describe all of them, and that there are many evil characters out there that exist for more than racking up cheap no-skill kills through gangbangs or whacking the crap out of players less skilled than they - and that many of these evil aligns don't whine and bitch and delete under 100 hours when they lose to someone that "sucked" or they die in the same way that they've killed hundreds of hapless goodies. You're actually one of the players that I'd say is absolutely not this way.

Now it almost seems like you're telling me that my old view was correct?

Huh. Well, I know you're not saying that ;)

Anyway, that all aside, I agree with everything else you said. Goods have a much easier time ranking, Goods have a more challenging array of foes at Hero. And right now the PK ranges between interesting (when there are powerful Scions) and boring (when these Scions delete). But I'd like you to consider this:

Why did the early Maran (before the Maran cabal) stick around? We had no uber-powers. We had no cabal. The only other good cabal was very non-agressive and had/have zero PK-ing powers themselves. We had an oppressive cabal of PKers (Empire) running around out there. One Maran to date (as far as I know) has received ANY kind of quest form or skill or reward (a paladin got a third virtue) so there's no extra powers for roleplaying to consider in there. Shokai admits he's often busy, so there's not 24/7 Immteraction. We didn't play silly hide-and-go-seek games in Tar Valon, we sought out and faced the "evil badasses" - so there's no "entertainment value" there. Now, given that we liked PK-ing as much as evil aligns, why wouldn't we delete if we weren't getting rewarded with extra powers (like you suggest evil aligns are) and faced enemies that outclassed us with their powers (like you suggest evil aligns are)?**

Maybe your Scion cabal needs that kind of mortal-player drive. Because if you think the Maran cabal and goals were just handed to us, you're wrong.

** My answer is because our roles and motivations were more than "kill evil." :) "Kill evil" would have only taken us through 100 hours, if that.