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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectRole and Desc
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=19198&mesg_id=19302
19302, Role and Desc
Posted by Beast on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
desc + Twisting and spiraling like a snake, a freezing mist clings around the figure
desc + towering before you, seemingly graceful in it's chaotic state. Covered in a
desc + thin layer of frost, his pale blue skin flakes away the ice with his every
desc + move yet is replaced in moments with the endless cold. His tremendous muscles
desc + seem oddly unaffected and his demeanor matches his strange aura - his
desc + emotionless face is only broken in either the extremes of rage or hatred,
desc + holding ironically constant with his chaotic nature. Like a sapphire flame,
desc + his unkept sea-colored hair flows down to his shoulders and falls infront of
desc + his face teasingly hiding the frozen gaze of his grey eyes. Looking closer,
desc + you notice that at moments the giant seems lost - staring at nothing for
desc + moments in complete silence, the only way you can tell he's still alive is
desc + from his visible breath that rolls out like a brooding storm cloud.
desc +
desc + Geared in the heavy plating of a veteran warrior, each piece is different and
desc + was clearly obtained and rewarded from the spoils of combat from their very
desc + contrasting look. Looking closer you see he is a collector of some very
desc + brutal-looking scars, many aging and stretched from his past. Beyond this you
desc + notice the following:

role + Most of the past of Garguza can easily be discerned in asking him as he is
role + readily willing to share his story and the impact it has had on his life, yet
role + there are somethings that he will not share or he does not know of:
role +
role + 1) Garguza's memory of what happened before the village was attacked is fuzzy
role + and almost non-existant. Before the event that began his path towards the
role + truth, he remembers nothing - either by the transformation affecting his
role + memory or his own conscious choice not to remember.
role +
role + 2) A lingering effect from his imprisonment is his problem with loosing focus
role + - almost stepping into a dream state, time loses it's hold on his reality and
role + the true primal emotions within takeover. Never lasting long, he used to
role + fight it by trying to stay alert until he realized what was taking place.
role + Now, he almost desires it's relaxing effect by giving in to his true self...
role +
role + 3) Even though the events in his life with the savage young dragon would most
role + likely drive him to revenge, he feels nothing ill towards their kind and will
role + sometimes admit to his fascination with the dragons. For this reason, he will
role + never strike at a dragon for he finds them the closest thing to resemble the
role + rage within him - a true savage stuck in a world of weaker mindless prey.
role +
role + 4) Besides what Garguza has found through the Temple of the desert city, his
role + knowledge is in fact limited on specifics of Saraba. Almost obsessed with
role + wanting to know more, deep down Garguza feels that what he is learning in
role + life and on his own path is what the path of Saraba is. Not a lesson to be
role + learned, but something one must come to know themselves. It is why Garguza
role + will not preach the ways of the Beast in voice but in actions.